„Vierundzwanzigsieben“ – Neuer Klinik-Podcast aus Bielefeld: Mitarbeitende geben spannende Einblicke
„Vierundzwanzigsieben“ – Neuer Klinik-Podcast aus Bielefeld: Mitarbeitende geben spannende Einblicke

Das Evangelische Klinikum Bethel (EvKB) und das Krankenhaus Mara in Bielefeld gehen mit einem neuen Podcast auf Sendung: „Vierundzwanzigsieben“ gibt…

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Jan Schulte am Esch zum Lehrstuhlinhaber am Universitätsklinikum OWL berufen: W3-Professur für Chefarzt der Allgemeinchirurgie am EvKB
Jan Schulte am Esch zum Lehrstuhlinhaber am Universitätsklinikum OWL berufen: W3-Professur für Chefarzt der Allgemeinchirurgie am EvKB

Die Universität Bielefeld hat Prof. Dr. Jan Schulte am Esch zum Universitätsprofessor berufen. Der Rektor der Universität, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Sagerer,…

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menschlich. führend. kompetent.
menschlich. führend. kompetent.

Kann eine Operation zur Therapie einer gutartigen, bösartigen oder entzündlichen Erkrankung beitragen, finden Sie in unserem Zentrum höchste Expertise. Damit Sie schnell wieder gesund werden.

menschlich. führend. kompetent.
menschlich. führend. kompetent.

Kann eine Operation zur Therapie einer gutartigen, bösartigen oder entzündlichen Erkrankung beitragen, finden Sie in unserem Zentrum höchste Expertise. Damit Sie schnell wieder gesund werden.

menschlich. führend. kompetent.
menschlich. führend. kompetent.

Kann eine Operation zur Therapie einer gutartigen, bösartigen oder entzündlichen Erkrankung beitragen, finden Sie in unserem Zentrum höchste Expertise. Damit Sie schnell wieder gesund werden.

menschlich. führend. kompetent.
menschlich. führend. kompetent.

Kann eine Operation zur Therapie einer gutartigen, bösartigen oder entzündlichen Erkrankung beitragen, finden Sie in unserem Zentrum höchste Expertise. Damit Sie schnell wieder gesund werden.

menschlich. führend. kompetent.
menschlich. führend. kompetent.

Kann eine Operation zur Therapie einer gutartigen, bösartigen oder entzündlichen Erkrankung beitragen, finden Sie in unserem Zentrum höchste Expertise. Damit Sie schnell wieder gesund werden.

menschlich. führend. kompetent.
menschlich. führend. kompetent.

Kann eine Operation zur Therapie einer gutartigen, bösartigen oder entzündlichen Erkrankung beitragen, finden Sie in unserem Zentrum höchste Expertise. Damit Sie schnell wieder gesund werden.

Zentrum für Allgemein-, Gefäß-, Thorax- und Viszeralchirurgie Bielefeld

Herzlich Willkommen!

Wir bieten in unserem Zentrum für Allgemein-, Gefäß-, Thorax- und Viszeralchirurgie (AGTV) interdisziplinäre chirurgische Therapie, insbesondere dann, wenn mehrere Bereiche des Körpers betroffen sind. Von der geplanten Operation bis in die Notfallversorgung profitieren Sie von unserem gemeinsamen Spezialwissen. Mehr als 2.800 Patientinnen und Patienten pro Jahr versorgen wir auf diese Weise während eines stationären Aufenthalts. Ob Brustraum, Bauchhöhle oder Blutgefäße – bei uns finden Sie durch die enge Zusammenarbeit unserer Teams höchste Kompetenz bei der chirurgischen Behandlung gutartiger, bösartiger und entzündlicher Erkrankungen.


Forschung ist für uns im Zentrum so selbstverständlich wie der Auftrag, den uns die 1968 gegründete Stiftung Bethel in ihrer Satzung u. a. mitgegeben hat: „In christlich-diakonischer Verantwortung ist der Zweck der Stiftung (...) die Förderung (...) der Wissenschaft und Forschung.“

Auf der Basis der umfassenden Erfahrung unseres Zentrums und seiner angeschlossenen Kliniken und Mitarbeitenden (3 Habilitationen und 14 Promotionen) bzgl. klinischer und experimenteller bis hin zu Grundlagenforschung haben wir ein Forschungsprofil mit Schwerpunkten in chronischen Erkrankungen mit Beeinträchtigung in Teilhabe wie Tumorleiden und Funktionsstörungen des Gehirns einhergehenden Leberschädigungen entwickelt. Ferner gehören technische Entwicklungen in der Chirurgie und Fach-bezogene Klinische Studien zu unseren wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkten.

Unsere wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wurden u. a. von der Deutschen Forschungsgemein­schaft (DFG) gefördert. Experimentelle Arbeiten führen wir u. a. in enger, vertraglich gesicherter Kooperation mit der Universität Bielefeld durch. Der Leiter des Zentrums, Prof. Schulte am Esch ist Mitgründer und stellvertretender Sprecher des Forschungsverbunds Biomedizin Bielefeld e.V. (FBMB; >50 Mitglieder: EvKB, Uni Bielefeld u.a.). sowie Mitunterzeichner des zugehörigen Kooperationsvertrags mit der Universität Bielefeld (Zellbiologie).

Im Folgenden geben wir Ihnen einen Überblick über unsere Forschungsprojekte und -schwerpunkte. Die Literaturangaben beziehen sich auf unsere bereits publizierten Vorarbeiten zu den Themenfeldern unserer wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten. Eine vollständige Liste der Veröffentlichungen unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter finden Sie hier.

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

  • Etablierung von Tumorstammzell-Linien aus Bronchial-, Colon-, Leber, Neuro-Endokrinen-, Pancreas-Karzinomen und deren Metastasen
  • Therapeutische Zielstrukturen von intestinalen und pulmonalen Malignomen
  • Tumorstammzellen – Ursprung und Mechanismen der Entwicklung von Malignomen
  • Endothelial-Mesenchymale Transition (EMT) – Grundlage der Organmetastasierung
  • Metastasierungswege – Gefäßendothelien als Interphase für Organabsiedelungen
  • Behandlungskonzepte von gutartigen und bösartigen Lebertumore
  • Therapeutische Ansätze für pulmonale Neoplasien

Eigene Vorarbeiten zum Forschungsschwerpunkt


  • Pathomechanismen der Leberschädigung
  • Mechanismen und therapeutischer Nutzen von extrahepatischen Stammzellen für die Leberregeneration
  • Die Rolle von Leberendothelien für Zell-basierte Therapieansätze.
  • Die Bedeutung von Thrombozyten für Leberschädigung und -regeneration.

Eigene Vorarbeiten zum Forschungsschwerpunkt


  • Mikrobielle Spezifika bei Darmkrebs (Fusobakterien)
  • Mikrobiom des Bronchialsystem und Neoplasien der Lunge
  • Mikrobielles Spektrum bei Weichteil- und Darm-assoziierten Infektionen

Eigene Vorarbeiten zum Forschungsschwerpunkt

[27; 44-49]

  • Leberchirurgie
  • Robotische Viszeralchirurgie
  • Chirurgie von Trachea und Lunge
  • Oesophaguschirurgie
  • Schilddrüsenchirurgie
  • Minimal-invasive Trichterbrustkorrektur

Eigene Vorarbeiten zum Forschungsschwerpunkt

[2; 50-71]

  • Ergebnisse nach Colorektaler Chirurgie – Einfluss von Gender und Alter
  • Die Chirurgie des re. Hemikolon
  • Robotische Schilddrüsenchirurgie
  • Roboter-assistierte Leberchirurgie

Eigene Vorarbeiten zum Forschungsschwerpunkt

[2; 3; 50; 63; 72; 73]

Thematischer Auszug von Studien mit Beteiligung unserer Kliniken:

  • Hepatische Präkonditionierung vor erweiterter Leberresektion
  • Endovasculare Verfahren bei infra-inguinaler peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit (PAOD)
  • Digital thoracic drainage systems
  • Chest wall surgery
  • Patienten: COS-EURAMOS
  • NSCLC Crist-Register, 1st Line

Eigene Vorarbeiten zum Forschungsschwerpunkt

[30; 35; 40; 43; 74-79]

Eigene Vorarbeiten zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten

  1. Windmöller BA, Greiner JWF, Förster C, Wilkens L, Mertzlufft F, Schulte am Esch J, Kaltschmidt B, Kaltschmidt C, Beshay M. A typical carcinoid of the lung – a case report with pathological correlation and propagation of the cancer stem cell line bkz1 with synaptophysin expression. Journal Medicine Baltimore 2019.
  2. Schulte Am Esch J, Iosivan SI, Steinfurth F, Mahdi A, Forster C, Wilkens L, Nasser A, Sarikaya H, Benhidjeb T, Kruger M. A standardized suprapubic bottom-to-up approach in robotic right colectomy: Technical and oncological advances for complete mesocolic excision (cme). BMC surgery 2019;19:72.
  3. Kaltschmidt C, Banz-Jansen C, Benhidjeb T, Beshay M, Forster C, Greiner J, Hamelmann E, Jorch N, Mertzlufft F, Pfitzenmaier J, Simon M, Schulte Am Esch J, Vordemvenne T, Wahnert D, Weissinger F, Wilkens L, Kaltschmidt B. A role for nf-kappab in organ specific cancer and cancer stem cells. Cancers 2019;11.
  4. Dizdar L, Junemann LM, Werner TA, Verde PE, Baldus SE, Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT, Krieg A. Clinicopathological and functional implications of the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins survivin and xiap in esophageal cancer. Oncol Lett 2018;15:3779-3789.
  5. Kroepil F, Dulian A, Vallbohmer D, Geddert H, Krieg A, Vay C, Topp SA, Schulte am Esch J, Baldus SE, Gires O, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. High epcam expression is linked to proliferation and lauren classification in gastric cancer. BMC research notes 2013;6:253.
  6. Kroepil F, Fluegen G, Totikov Z, Baldus SE, Vay C, Schauer M, Topp SA, Schulte am Esch J, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Down-regulation of cdh1 is associated with expression of snai1 in colorectal adenomas. PloS one 2012;7:e46665.
  7. Dittmar Y, Rauchfuss F, Goetz M, Jandt K, Scheuerlein H, Heise M, Settmacher U. Non-curative gastric resection for patients with stage 4 gastric cancer--a single center experience and current review of literature. Langenbeck's archives of surgery 2012;397:745-753.
  8. Settmacher U, Dittmar Y, Knosel T, Schone U, Heise M, Jandt K, Altendorf-Hofmann AK. Predictors of long-term survival in patients with colorectal liver metastases: A single center study and review of the literature. Int J Colorectal Dis 2011;26:967-981.
  9. Schmelzle M, Dizdar L, Matthaei H, Baldus SE, Wolters J, Lindenlauf N, Bruns I, Cadeddu RP, Kropil F, Topp SA, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Esophageal cancer proliferation is mediated by cytochrome p450 2c9 (cyp2c9). Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators 2011;94:25-33.
  10. Ruffini E, Van Raemdonck D, Detterbeck F, Rocco G, Thomas P, Venuta F, European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Thymic Questionnaire Working G, Colaborator: Beshay M. Management of thymic tumors: A survey of current practice among members of the european society of thoracic surgeons. J Thorac Oncol 2011;6:614-623.
  11. Schmelzle M, Eisenberger CF, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Matthaei H, Krausch M, Knoefel WT. Non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine, and non-sarcoma metastases of the liver: Resection as a promising tool in the palliative management. Langenbeck's archives of surgery 2010;395:227-234.
  12. Hoksch B, Seidel N, Beshay M, Schmid RA. [the thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis with intraoperative pleural biopsy - a retrospective analysis in patients with malignant pleural effusion]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie 2010;135:54-58.
  13. Amelung JT, Buhrens R, Beshay M, Reymond MA. Key genes in lung cancer translational research: A meta-analysis. Pathobiology 2010;77:53-63.
  14. Hoksch B, Rufer B, Gazdhar A, Bilici M, Beshay M, Gugger M, Schmid RA. Taurolidine in the prevention and therapy of lung metastases. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2009;36:1058-1063.
  15. Buhrens RI, Amelung JT, Reymond MA, Beshay M. Protein expression in human non-small cell lung cancer: A systematic database. Pathobiology 2009;76:277-285.
  16. Steinert R, Hantschick M, Vieth M, Gastinger I, Kuhnel F, Lippert H, Reymond MA. Influence of subclinical tumor spreading on survival after curative surgery for colorectal cancer. Arch Surg 2008;143:122-128.
  17. Beshay M, Roth T, Stein R, Schmid RA. Synchronous bilateral typical pulmonary carcinoid tumors. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2003;23:251-253.
  18. Aufderheide M, Forster C, Beschay M, Branscheid D, Emura M. A new computer-controlled air-liquid interface cultivation system for the generation of differentiated cell cultures of the airway epithelium. Exp Toxicol Pathol 2016;68:77-87.
  19. Duhme C, Lehwald N, Kehrel BE, Bauchrowitz E, Ngepi A, Schmelzle M, Kolokotronis T, Benhidjeb T, Kruger M, Jurk K, Knoefel WT, Robson SC, Schulte Am Esch J. Cd133(+) bone marrow stem cells (bmsc) control platelet activation - role of ectontpdase-1 (cd39). Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2019;77:142-148.
  20. Kuhn S, Splith K, Ballschuh C, Feldbrugge L, Krenzien F, Atanasov G, Benzing C, Hau HM, Engelmann C, Berg T, Schulte Am Esch J, Pratschke J, Robson SC, Schmelzle M. Mononuclear-cell-derived microparticles attenuate endothelial inflammation by transfer of mir-142-3p in a cd39 dependent manner. Purinergic Signal 2018;14:423-432.
  21. Schulte am Esch J, Schmelzle M, Duhme C, Fuerst G, Robson SC, Bode JG, Krieg A, Topp SA, Haeussinger D, Knoefel WT. Reply to letter: "Infusion of cd133+ bone marrow-derived stem cell after selective portal vein embolization enhances functional hepatic reserves after extended right hepatectomy". Annals of surgery 2016;263:e44-45.
  22. Lehwald N, Duhme C, Wildner M, Kuhn S, Furst G, Forbes SJ, Jonas S, Robson SC, Knoefel WT, Schmelzle M, Schulte am Esch J. Hgf and sdf-1-mediated mobilization of cd133+ bmsc for hepatic regeneration following extensive liver resection. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver 2014;34:89-101.
  23. Schmelzle M, Splith K, Andersen LW, Kornek M, Schuppan D, Jones-Bamman C, Nowak M, Toxavidis V, Salhanick SD, Han L, Schulte am Esch J, Jonas S, Donnino MW, Robson SC. Increased plasma levels of microparticles expressing cd39 and cd133 in acute liver injury. Transplantation 2013;95:63-69.
  24. Schmelzle M, Duhme C, Junger W, Salhanick SD, Chen Y, Wu Y, Toxavidis V, Csizmadia E, Han L, Bian S, Furst G, Nowak M, Karp SJ, Knoefel WT, Robson SC, Schulte am Esch J. Cd39 modulates hematopoietic stem cell recruitment and promotes liver regeneration in mice and humans after partial hepatectomy. Annals of surgery 2013;257:693-701.
  25. Knoefel WT, Alexander A, Tustas RY, Schmelzle M, Klein HM, Krieg A, Topp SA, Eisenberger CF, Fuerst G, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd. [stem cell-induced liver regeneration]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie 2013;138:166-172.
  26. Schulte am Esch J, Schmelzle M, Furst G, Robson SC, Krieg A, Duhme C, Tustas RY, Alexander A, Klein HM, Topp SA, Bode JG, Haussinger D, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. Infusion of cd133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells after selective portal vein embolization enhances functional hepatic reserves after extended right hepatectomy: A retrospective single-center study. Annals of surgery 2012;255:79-85.
  27. Schulte am Esch J, Jurk K, Knoefel WT, Roeder G, Voss H, Tustas RY, Schmelzle M, Krieg A, Eisenberger CF, Topp S, Rogiers X, Fischer L, Aken HV, Kehrel BE. Platelet activation and increased tissue factor expression on monocytes in reperfusion injury following orthotopic liver transplantation. Platelets 2010;21:348-359.
  28. Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Akyildiz A, Tustas RY, Ganschow R, Schmelzle M, Krieg A, Robson SC, Topp SA, Rogiers X, Knoefel WT, Fischer L. Adp-dependent platelet function prior to and in the early course of pediatric liver transplantation and persisting thrombocytopenia are positively correlated with ischemia/reperfusion injury. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation 2010;23:745-752.
  29. Schmelzle M, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Robson SC. Coagulation, platelet activation and thrombosis in xenotransplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 2010;15:212-218.
  30. Furst G, Schulte am Esch J, Fritz LB, Godehardt E, Mödder U, Knoefel WT. Reply to letter: Portal vein embolization and stem cell administration - (letter to the editor: Ozkan f, peynircioglu b and cil be) Radiology 2008;246:646; author reply 646-647.
  31. Furst G, Schulte am Esch J, Poll LW, Hosch SB, Fritz LB, Klein M, Godehardt E, Krieg A, Wecker B, Stoldt V, Stockschlader M, Eisenberger CF, Modder U, Knoefel WT. Portal vein embolization and autologous cd133+ bone marrow stem cells for liver regeneration: Initial experience. Radiology 2007;243:171-179.
  32. Krieg A, Schulte am Esch J, Schmelzle M, Tustas R, El-Karmi A, Hosch S, Knoefel WT. Stem cell factor levels do increase in patients subsequent to hepatectomy with the extent of parenchymal loss. Transplantation proceedings 2006;38:3556-3558.
  33. Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Tustas RY, Robson SC, Hosch SB, Akyildiz A, Broring DC, Fischer L, Knoefel WT, Rogiers X. Recipient levels and function of von willebrand factor prior to liver transplantation and its consumption in the course of grafting correlate with hepatocellular damage and outcome. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation 2005;18:1258-1265.
  34. Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Knoefel WT, Klein M, Ghodsizad A, Fuerst G, Poll LW, Piechaczek C, Burchardt ER, Feifel N, Stoldt V, Stockschlader M, Stoecklein N, Tustas RY, Eisenberger CF, Peiper M, Haussinger D, Hosch SB. Portal application of autologous cd133+ bone marrow cells to the liver: A novel concept to support hepatic regeneration. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 2005;23:463-470.
  35. Krieg A, Rohrborn A, Schulte am Esch J, Schubert D, Poll LW, Ohmann C, Braunstein S, Knoefel WT. Necrotizing fasciitis: Microbiological characteristics and predictors of postoperative outcome. European journal of medical research 2009;14:30-36.
  36. Beshay M, Roth T, Stein RM, Schmid RA. Tuberculosis presenting as pancoast tumor. Ann Thorac Surg 2003;76:1733-1735.
  37. Schmelzle M, Peterschulte G, Matthaei H, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Peiper M, Rehders A, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. [necrotising inflammations of the lower extremities due to gastrointestinal perforations]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie 2011;136:82-83.
  38. Steinbach G, Bolke E, Schulte am Esch J, Peiper M, Zant R, Schwarz A, Spiess B, van Griensven M, Orth K. Comparison of whole blood interleukin-8 and plasma interleukin-8 as a predictor for sepsis in postoperative patients. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 2007;378:117-121.
  39. Schwarz A, Bolke E, Peiper M, Schulte am Esch J, Steinbach G, van Griensven M, Orth K. Inflammatory peritoneal reaction after perforated appendicitis: Continuous peritoneal lavage versus non lavage. European journal of medical research 2007;12:200-205.
  40. Kolokotronis T, Benhidjeb T, Schulte am Esch J. Just diverticulitis? A very rare complication of a very common disease! Gastroenterology 2019.
  41. Schulte Am Esch J, Sarikaya H, Jünemann L-M, Stark M, Kolokotronis T, Müller JS, Krüger M, Benhidjeb T. Robotic right colectomy with complete mesocolic excision (cme): The suprapubic bottom-to-up approach with fluorescence angiography guided gut transection and intracorporeal ileocolic anastomosis - a video vignette. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie 2019.
  42. Lehwald N, Steinfurth F, Kroepil F, Krieg A, Sarikaya H, Krüger M, Benhidjeb T, Beshay M, Schulte am Esch J. Dorsal track control (dtc): A modified surgical technique for atraumatic handling of the distal esophagus for esophagojejunostomy. Journal of Gastric Cancer 2019.
  43. Benhidjeb T, Witzel K, Stark M, Schulte Am Esch J. Transoral thyroidectomy: New method with new complications' spectrum. J Endocrinol Invest 2019.
  44. Fleisch MC, Hepp P, Kaleta T, Schulte am Esch J, Rein D, Fehm T, Beyer I. Feasibility and first long-term results after laparoscopic rectal segment resection and vaginal specimen retrieval for deep infiltrating endometriosis. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 2014;289:1241-1247.
  45. Knoefel WT, Gabor I, Rehders A, Alexander A, Krausch M, Schulte am Esch J, Furst G, Topp SA. In situ liver transection with portal vein ligation for rapid growth of the future liver remnant in two-stage liver resection. The British journal of surgery 2013;100:388-394.
  46. Branscheid D, Beshay M. [the technique of sleeve resection on the bronchial and pulmonary vascular tree]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen 2013;84:459-468.
  47. Schellhammer F, Schulte am Esch J, Hammerschlag S, Knoefel WT, Furst G. Surgical access to jejunal veins for local thrombolysis and stent placement in portal vein thrombosis. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 2008;31 Suppl 2:S185-187.
  48. Broering DC, Wilms C, Lenk C, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Schonherr S, Mueller L, Kim JS, Helmke K, Burdelski M, Rogiers X. Technical refinements and results in full-right full-left splitting of the deceased donor liver. Annals of surgery 2005;242:802-812, discussion 812-803.
  49. Broering DC, Hillert C, Krupski G, Fischer L, Mueller L, Achilles EG, Schulte am Esch J, Rogiers X. Portal vein embolization vs. Portal vein ligation for induction of hypertrophy of the future liver remnant. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract 2002;6:905-913; discussion 913.
  50. Witzel K, Benhidjeb T, Kaminski C, Messenbaeck FG, Weitzendorfer M. Hybrid techniques and patients' safety in implementing transoral sublingual thyroidectomy. Endocrine 2018;60:50-55.
  51. Witzel K, Messenbaeck F, Weitzendorfer M, Benhidjeb T. Transoral thyroidectomy: Limitations, patients' safety, and own experiences. Updates in surgery 2017;69:193-198.
  52. Witzel K, Hellinger A, Kaminski C, Benhidjeb T. Endoscopic thyroidectomy: The transoral approach. Gland surgery 2016;5:336-341.
  53. Wilhelm T, Benhidjeb T. Transoral endoscopic neck surgery: Feasibility and safety in a porcine model based on the example of thymectomy. Surgical endoscopy 2011;25:1741-1746.
  54. Richmon JD, Pattani KM, Benhidjeb T, Tufano RP. Transoral robotic-assisted thyroidectomy: A preclinical feasibility study in 2 cadavers. Head & neck 2011;33:330-333.
  55. Benhidjeb T, Witzel K, Stark M, Mann O. Transoral thyroid and parathyroid surgery: Still experimental! Surgical endoscopy 2011;25:2411-2413.
  56. Wilhelm T, Harlaar JJ, Kerver A, Kleinrensink GJ, Benhidjeb T. Surgical anatomy of the floor of the oral cavity and the cervical spaces as a rationale for trans-oral, minimal-invasive endoscopic surgical procedures: Results of anatomical studies. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2010;267:1285-1290.
  57. Witzel K, Benhidjeb T. Monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in totally endoscopic thyroid surgery. European surgical research Europaische chirurgische Forschung Recherches chirurgicales europeennes 2009;43:72-76.
  58. Benhidjeb T, Wilhelm T, Harlaar J, Kleinrensink GJ, Schneider TA, Stark M. Natural orifice surgery on thyroid gland: Totally transoral video-assisted thyroidectomy (tovat): Report of first experimental results of a new surgical method. Surgical endoscopy 2009;23:1119-1120.
  59. Barlehner E, Benhidjeb T. Cervical scarless endoscopic thyroidectomy: Axillo-bilateral-breast approach (abba). Surgical endoscopy 2008;22:154-157.
  60. Strik MW, Anders S, Barth M, Barlehner E, Benecke C, Benhidjeb T. [total videoendoscopic thyroid resection by the axillobilateral breast approach. Operative method and first results]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen 2007;78:1139-1144.
  61. Benhidjeb T, Stark M. An innovative technique for colorectal specimen retrieval: A new era of "natural orifice specimen extraction" (n.O.S.E.). Diseases of the colon and rectum 2010;53:502-503; author reply 503.
  62. Mynbaev OA, Tinelli A, Malvasi A, Kadayifci O, Benhidjeb T, Stark M. Is there only co2 insufflation pressure impact on surgical field visualization during robotic surgery? Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 2015;292:1177-1178.
  63. Stark M, Benhidjeb T, Gidaro S, Morales ER. The future of telesurgery: A universal system with haptic sensation. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association 2012;13:74-76.
  64. Behrendt CA, Heidemann F, Haustein K, Grundmann RT, Debus ES, Collaborators PSI. Percutaneous endovascular treatment of infrainguinal paod: Results of the psi register study in 74 german vascular centers. Gefasschirurgie 2017;22:17-27.
  65. Demetriou AA, Brown RS, Jr., Busuttil RW, Fair J, McGuire BM, Rosenthal P, Schulte am Esch J, 2nd, Lerut J, Nyberg SL, Salizzoni M, Fagan EA, de Hemptinne B, Broelsch CE, Muraca M, Salmeron JM, Rabkin JM, Metselaar HJ, Pratt D, De La Mata M, McChesney LP, Everson GT, Lavin PT, Stevens AC, Pitkin Z, Solomon BA. Prospective, randomized, multicenter, controlled trial of a bioartificial liver in treating acute liver failure. Annals of surgery 2004;239:660-667; discussion 667-670.
  66. Standl T, Burmeister MA, Schroeder F, Currlin E, Schulte am Esch J, Freitag M, Schulte am Esch J. Hydroxyethyl starch (hes) 130/0.4 provides larger and faster increases in tissue oxygen tension in comparison with prehemodilution values than hes 70/0.5 or hes 200/0.5 in volunteers undergoing acute normovolemic hemodilution. Anesthesia and analgesia 2003;96:936-943, table of contents.

Veröffentlichungen unseres Zentrums in der Fachliteratur

Gesamtpublikationsverzeichnis Zentrum für AGTV Chirurgie Bielefeld


  1. Kong, C, Bobe, S, Pilger, C, Lachetta, M, Øie, CI, Kirschnick, N, Mönkemöller, V, Hübner, W, Förster, C, Schüttpelz, M, Kiefer, F, Huser, T, and Schulte am Esch, J, Multiscale and multimodal optical imaging of the ultrastructure of human liver biopsies. Frontiers in Physiology, 2021. D.O.I.: in press
  2. Beshay, M, Krüger, M, Singh, K, Borgstedt, R, Benhidjeb, T, Bölke, E, Vordemvenne, T, and Schulte am Esch, J, Grave thoraco-intestinal complication secondary to an undetected traumatic rupture of the diaphragm - a case report. European journal of medical research, 2021. D.O.I.: in press
  3. Kaltschmidt, B, Fitzek, ADE, Schaedler, J, Forster, C, Kaltschmidt, C, Hansen, T, Steinfurth, F, Windmoller, BA, Pilger, C, Kong, C, Singh, K, Nierhaus, A, Wichmann, D, Sperhake, J, Puschel, K, Huser, T, Kruger, M, Robson, SC, Wilkens, L, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Hepatic vasculopathy and regenerative responses of the liver in fatal cases of COVID-19. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2021. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.cgh.2021.01.044
  4. Hassan, MH, Abuhamdah, S, Abdel-Bary, M, Wahman, M, Abd-Elhamid, TH, Beshay, M, Mosallam, K, and Elsadek, BEM, Circulating and local nuclear expression of survivin and fibulin-3 genes in discriminating benign from malignant respiratory diseases: correlation analysis. Biosci Rep, 2021. 41(1). D.O.I.: 10.1042/BSR20203097
  5. Datta, RR, Schönhage, S, Dratsch, T, Toader, J, Müller, DT, Wahba, R, Kleinert, R, Thomas, M, Dieplinger, G, Stippel, DL, Bruns, CJ, and Fuchs, HF, Learning curve of surgical novices using the single-port platform SymphonX: minimizing OR trauma to only one 15-mm incision. Surgical endoscopy, 2020. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-020-07998-3
  6. Sarikaya, H, Benhidjeb, T, Iosivan, SI, Kolokotronis, T, Forster, C, Eckert, S, Wilkens, L, Nasser, A, Rehberg, S, Kruger, M, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Impact of ASA-score, age and learning curve on early outcome in the initiation phase of an oncological robotic colorectal program. Sci Rep, 2020. 10(1): p. 15136. D.O.I.: 10.1038/s41598-020-72025-3
  7. Schulte Am Esch, JSA, Windmoller, BA, Hanewinkel, J, Storm, J, Forster, C, Wilkens, L, Kruger, M, Kaltschmidt, B, and Kaltschmidt, C, Isolation and Characterization of Two Novel Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines, Containing a Subpopulation with Potential Stem-Like Properties: Treatment Options by MYC/NMYC Inhibition. Cancers, 2020. 12(9). D.O.I.: 10.3390/cancers12092582
  8. Lehwald, N, Duhme, C, Pinchuk, I, Kirchner, J, Wieferich, K, Schmelzle, M, Jurk, K, Windmoller, BA, Hubner, W, Homey, B, Bode, J, Kubitz, R, Benhidjeb, T, Kruger, M, Robson, SC, Knoefel, WT, Kehrel, BE, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Platelets Boost Recruitment of CD133(+) Bone Marrow Stem Cells to Endothelium and the Rodent Liver-The Role of P-Selectin/PSGL-1 Interactions. Int J Mol Sci, 2020. 21(17). D.O.I.: 10.3390/ijms21176431
  9. Chon, SH, Toex, U, Plum, PS, Kleinert, R, Bruns, CJ, Goeser, T, and Berlth, F, Efficacy and feasibility of OverStitch suturing of leaks in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Surgical endoscopy, 2020. 34(9): p. 3861-3869. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-019-07152-8
  10. Wahba, R, Datta, RR, Hedergott, A, Bußhoff, J, Bruns, T, Kleinert, R, Dieplinger, G, Fuchs, H, Gietzelt, C, Möller, D, Hellmich, M, Bruns, CJ, and Stippel, DL, Correction to: 3D vs. 4 K Display System - Influence of "State-of-the-art"-Display Technique On Surgical Performance (IDOSP-Study) in minimally invasive surgery: protocol for a randomized cross-over trial. Trials, 2020. 21(1): p. 257. D.O.I.: 10.1186/s13063-020-4173-y
  11. Schulte Am Esch, J, Sarikaya, H, Junemann, LM, Starke, M, Kolokotronis, T, Muller, JS, Kruger, M, and Benhidjeb, T, [Robotic Right Colectomy with Complete Mesocolic Excision (CME): The Suprapubic Bottom-to-up Approach with Gut Transection Guided by Fluorescence Angiography and Intracorporeal Ileocolic Anastomosis - a Video Vignette]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2020. 145(3): p. 220-223. D.O.I.: 10.1055/a-1007-8794
  12. Datta, RR, Dieplinger, G, Wahba, R, Kleinert, R, Thomas, M, Gebauer, F, Schiffmann, L, Stippel, DL, Bruns, CJ, and Fuchs, HF, True single-port cholecystectomy with ICG cholangiography through a single 15-mm trocar using the new surgical platform "symphonX": first human case study with a commercially available device. Surgical endoscopy, 2020. 34(6): p. 2722-2729. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-019-07229-4
  13. Beshay, M, Mertzlufft, F, Kottkamp, HW, Reymond, M, Schmid, RA, Branscheid, D, and Vordemvenne, T, Analysis of risk factors in thoracic trauma patients with a comparison of a modern trauma centre: a mono-centre study. World J Emerg Surg, 2020. 15(1): p. 45. D.O.I.: 10.1186/s13017-020-00324-1
  14. Beshay, M, Gutierrez, F, Windmoller, BA, Forster, C, and Mertzlufft, F, Huge typical pulmonary carcinoid presented with gigantism syndrome. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2020. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s11748-020-01445-9
  15. Kolokotronis, T, Benhidjeb, T, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Just Diverticulitis? A Very Rare Complication of a Very Common Disease! Gastroenterology, 2020. 159(1): p. e6-e8. D.O.I.: 10.1053/j.gastro.2019.12.041
  16. Thomas, MN, Dieplinger, G, Datta, RR, Kleinert, R, Fuchs, HF, Bunck, A, Peterhans, M, Bruns, CJ, Stippel, D, and Wahba, R, Navigated laparoscopic microwave ablation of tumour mimics in pig livers: a randomized ex-vivo experimental trial. Surgical endoscopy, 2020. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-020-08180-5
  17. Schulte Am Esch, J and Benhidjeb, T, Re: "Appraisal and Current Considerations of Robotics in Colon and Rectal Surgery" by Andolfi et al. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 2020. 30(8): p. 859-860. D.O.I.: 10.1089/lap.2020.0113
  18. Benhidjeb, T, Stark, M, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Re: "Comparative Study Between Endoscopic Thyroid Surgery via the Oral Vestibular Approach and the Areola Approach" by Guo et al. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 2020. 30(8): p. 866-867. D.O.I.: 10.1089/lap.2020.0146
  19. Lehwald-Tywuschik, N, Vaghiri, S, Schulte Am Esch, J, Alaghmand, S, Klosterkemper, Y, Schimmoller, L, Lachenmayer, A, Ashmawy, H, Krieg, A, Topp, SA, Rehders, A, and Knoefel, WT, In situ split plus portal vein ligation (ISLT) - a salvage procedure following inefficient portal vein embolization to gain adequate future liver remnant volume prior to extended liver resection. BMC surgery, 2020. 20(1): p. 63. D.O.I.: 10.1186/s12893-020-00721-y
  20. Sudhoff, H, Schulte Am Esch, J, Ay, N, and Todt, I, Management of Complex Facial Injuries: Cutting Traumas by Angle Grinders. Int J Otolaryngol, 2020. 2020: p. 1891250. D.O.I.: 10.1155/2020/1891250
  21. Datta, R, Chon, SH, Dratsch, T, Timmermann, F, Müller, L, Plum, PS, Haneder, S, Pinto Dos Santos, D, Späth, MR, Wahba, R, Bruns, CJ, and Kleinert, R, Are gamers better laparoscopic surgeons? Impact of gaming skills on laparoscopic performance in "Generation Y" students. PloS one, 2020. 15(8): p. e0232341. D.O.I.: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232341
  22. Bürger, M, Herbold, T, Lange, S, Berlth, F, Plum, PS, Schramm, C, Kleinert, R, Goeser, T, Bruns, CJ, and Chon, SH, In Vitro Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Segmented Esophageal Self-Expandable Metal Stents: Innovative Test Methods Are Needed. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 2019. 29(9): p. 1168-1173. D.O.I.: 10.1089/lap.2019.0173
  23. Wahba, R, Datta, RR, Hedergott, A, Bußhoff, J, Bruns, T, Kleinert, R, Dieplinger, G, Fuchs, H, Gietzelt, C, Möller, D, Hellmich, M, Bruns, CJ, and Stippel, DL, 3D vs. 4K Display System - Influence of "State-of-the-art"-Display Technique On Surgical Performance (IDOSP-Study) in minimally invasive surgery: protocol for a randomized cross-over trial. Trials, 2019. 20(1): p. 299. D.O.I.: 10.1186/s13063-019-3330-7
  24. Kaltschmidt, C, Banz-Jansen, C, Benhidjeb, T, Beshay, M, Forster, C, Greiner, J, Hamelmann, E, Jorch, N, Mertzlufft, F, Pfitzenmaier, J, Simon, M, Schulte Am Esch, J, Vordemvenne, T, Wahnert, D, Weissinger, F, Wilkens, L, and Kaltschmidt, B, A Role for NF-kappaB in Organ Specific Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells. Cancers, 2019. 11(5). D.O.I.: 10.3390/cancers11050655
  25. Chon, SH, Timmermann, F, Dratsch, T, Schuelper, N, Plum, P, Berlth, F, Datta, RR, Schramm, C, Haneder, S, Späth, MR, Dübbers, M, Kleinert, J, Raupach, T, Bruns, C, and Kleinert, R, Serious Games in Surgical Medical Education: A Virtual Emergency Department as a Tool for Teaching Clinical Reasoning to Medical Students. JMIR Serious Games, 2019. 7(1): p. e13028. D.O.I.: 10.2196/13028
  26. Schulte Am Esch, J, Iosivan, SI, Steinfurth, F, Mahdi, A, Forster, C, Wilkens, L, Nasser, A, Sarikaya, H, Benhidjeb, T, and Kruger, M, A standardized suprapubic bottom-to-up approach in robotic right colectomy: technical and oncological advances for complete mesocolic excision (CME). BMC surgery, 2019. 19(1): p. 72. D.O.I.: 10.1186/s12893-019-0544-2
  27. Duhme, C, Lehwald, N, Kehrel, BE, Bauchrowitz, E, Ngepi, A, Schmelzle, M, Kolokotronis, T, Benhidjeb, T, Kruger, M, Jurk, K, Knoefel, WT, Robson, SC, and Schulte Am Esch, J, CD133(+) bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) control platelet activation - Role of ectoNTPDase-1 (CD39). Blood cells, molecules & diseases, 2019. 77: p. 142-148. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2019.04.012
  28. Berlth, F, Bludau, M, Plum, PS, Herbold, T, Christ, H, Alakus, H, Kleinert, R, Bruns, CJ, Hölscher, AH, and Chon, SH, Self-Expanding Metal Stents Versus Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy in Anastomotic Leak Treatment After Oncologic Gastroesophageal Surgery. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2019. 23(1): p. 67-75. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s11605-018-4000-x
  29. Lehwald-Tywuschik, N, Steinfurth, F, Kropil, F, Krieg, A, Sarikaya, H, Knoefel, WT, Kruger, M, Benhidjeb, T, Beshay, M, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Dorsal Track Control (DTC): A Modified Surgical Technique for Atraumatic Handling of the Distal Esophagus in Esophagojejunostomy. J Gastric Cancer, 2019. 19(4): p. 473-483. D.O.I.: 10.5230/jgc.2019.19.e35
  30. Windmoller, BA, Greiner, JFW, Forster, C, Wilkens, L, Mertzlufft, F, Schulte Am Esch, J, Kaltschmidt, B, Kaltschmidt, C, and Beshay, M, A typical carcinoid of the lung - a case report with pathological correlation and propagation of the cancer stem cell line BKZ1 with synaptophysin expression. Medicine (Baltimore), 2019. 98(49): p. e18174. D.O.I.: 10.1097/MD.0000000000018174
  31. Benhidjeb, T, Witzel, K, Stark, M, and Schulte Am Esch, J, Transoral thyroidectomy: new method with new complications' spectrum. J Endocrinol Invest, 2019. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s40618-019-01101-x
  32. Pinto Dos Santos, D, Giese, D, Brodehl, S, Chon, SH, Staab, W, Kleinert, R, Maintz, D, and Baeßler, B, Medical students' attitude towards artificial intelligence: a multicentre survey. Eur Radiol, 2019. 29(4): p. 1640-1646. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00330-018-5601-1
  33. Dübbers, M, Fischer, J, Keller, T, Kleinert, R, Alakus, H, Chon, SH, Tröbs, RB, Cernaianu, G, and Schulten, D, [Flap Reconstruction as Alternative Anastomosis Technique for the Surgery of Oesophageal Atresia with Distal Oesophagotracheal Fistula]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2019. 144(2): p. 135-136. D.O.I.: 10.1055/a-0800-0216
  34. Baltin, C, Kron, F, Urbanski, A, Zander, T, Kron, A, Berlth, F, Kleinert, R, Hallek, M, Hoelscher, AH, and Chon, SH, The economic burden of endoscopic treatment for anastomotic leaks following oncological Ivor Lewis esophagectomy. PloS one, 2019. 14(8): p. e0221406. D.O.I.: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221406
  35. Dizdar, L, Junemann, LM, Werner, TA, Verde, PE, Baldus, SE, Stoecklein, NH, Knoefel, WT, and Krieg, A, Clinicopathological and functional implications of the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins survivin and XIAP in esophageal cancer. Oncol Lett, 2018. 15(3): p. 3779-3789. D.O.I.: 10.3892/ol.2018.7755
  36. Chon, SH, Hilgers, S, Timmermann, F, Dratsch, T, Plum, PS, Berlth, F, Datta, R, Alakus, H, Schlößer, HA, Schramm, C, Pinto Dos Santos, D, Bruns, C, and Kleinert, R, Web-Based Immersive Patient Simulator as a Curricular Tool for Objective Structured Clinical Examination Preparation in Surgery: Development and Evaluation. JMIR Serious Games, 2018. 6(3): p. e10693. D.O.I.: 10.2196/10693
  37. Chon, SH, Toex, U, Plum, PS, Fuchs, C, Kleinert, R, Bruns, C, and Goeser, T, Successful closure of a gastropulmonary fistula after esophagectomy using the Apollo Overstitch and endoscopic vacuum therapy. Endoscopy, 2018. 50(7): p. E149-e150. D.O.I.: 10.1055/a-0592-6384
  38. Benhidjeb, T, Kosmas, IP, Hachem, F, Mynbaev, O, Stark, M, and Benhidjeb, I, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy versus transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery cholecystectomy: results of a prospective comparative single-center study. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2018. 87(2): p. 509-516. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.gie.2017.09.039
  39. Kuhn, S, Splith, K, Ballschuh, C, Feldbrugge, L, Krenzien, F, Atanasov, G, Benzing, C, Hau, HM, Engelmann, C, Berg, T, Schulte Am Esch, J, Pratschke, J, Robson, SC, and Schmelzle, M, Mononuclear-cell-derived microparticles attenuate endothelial inflammation by transfer of miR-142-3p in a CD39 dependent manner. Purinergic Signal, 2018. 14(4): p. 423-432. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s11302-018-9624-5
  40. Witzel, K, Benhidjeb, T, Kaminski, C, Messenbaeck, FG, and Weitzendorfer, M, Hybrid techniques and patients' safety in implementing transoral sublingual thyroidectomy. Endocrine, 2018. 60(1): p. 50-55. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s12020-018-1539-y
  41. Tinelli, A, Tsin, DA, Forgione, A, Zorron, R, Dapri, G, Malvasi, A, Benhidjeb, T, Sparic, R, and Nezhat, F, Exploring the umbilical and vaginal port during minimally invasive surgery. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 2017. 18(3): p. 143-147. D.O.I.: 10.4274/jtgga.2017.0046
  42. Witzel, K, Messenbaeck, F, Weitzendorfer, M, and Benhidjeb, T, Transoral thyroidectomy: limitations, patients' safety, and own experiences. Updates in surgery, 2017. 69(2): p. 193-198. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s13304-017-0457-5
  43. Wahba, R, Kleinert, R, Hellmich, M, Heiermann, N, Dieplinger, G, Schlößer, HA, Buchner, D, Kurschat, C, and Stippel, DL, Optimizing a living kidney donation program: transition to hand-assisted retroperitoneoscopic living donor nephrectomy and introduction of a passive polarizing three-dimensional display system. Surgical endoscopy, 2017. 31(6): p. 2577-2585. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-016-5264-4
  44. Schlößer, HA, Thelen, M, Dieplinger, G, von Bergwelt-Baildon, A, Garcia-Marquez, M, Reuter, S, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen, A, Wennhold, K, Haustein, N, Buchner, D, Heiermann, N, Kleinert, R, Wahba, R, Ditt, V, Kurschat, C, Cingöz, T, Becker, J, Stippel, DL, and von Bergwelt-Baildon, M, Prospective Analyses of Circulating B Cell Subsets in ABO-Compatible and ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant Recipients. Am J Transplant, 2017. 17(2): p. 542-550. D.O.I.: 10.1111/ajt.14013
  45. Mynbaev, OA, Ivanov, AA, Simakov, SS, Roubliova, XI, Eliseeva, MY, Benhidjeb, T, and Stark, M, Work of separation - A method to assess intraperitoneal adhesion and healing of parietal peritoneum in an animal model. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 2017. 42: p. 97-98. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.01.014
  46. Ellinger, P, Stindt, J, Droge, C, Sattler, K, Stross, C, Kluge, S, Herebian, D, Smits, SHJ, Burdelski, M, Schulz-Jurgensen, S, Ballauff, A, Schulte am Esch, J, Mayatepek, E, Haussinger, D, Kubitz, R, and Schmitt, L, Partial external biliary diversion in bile salt export pump deficiency: Association between outcome and mutation. World journal of gastroenterology, 2017. 23(29): p. 5295-5303. D.O.I.: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i29.5295
  47. Mynbaev, OA, Ivanov, AA, Benhidjeb, T, and Stark, M, Commentary Re: "The Onset of Intra-Abdominal Adhesions During Closed-Abdomen Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy" (J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2016;26:997-1002). Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 2017. 27(4): p. 423-424. D.O.I.: 10.1089/lap.2017.0011
  48. Kleinert, R, Fuchs, C, Romotzky, V, Knepper, L, Wasilewski, ML, Schröder, W, Bruns, C, Woopen, C, and Leers, J, Generation Y and surgical residency - Passing the baton or the end of the world as we know it? Results from a survey among medical students in Germany. PloS one, 2017. 12(11): p. e0188114. D.O.I.: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188114
  49. Chon, SH, Berlth, F, Plum, PS, Herbold, T, Alakus, H, Kleinert, R, Moenig, SP, Bruns, CJ, Hoelscher, AH, and Meyer, HJ, Gastric cancer treatment in the world: Germany. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2017. 2: p. 53. D.O.I.: 10.21037/tgh.2017.05.07
  50. Assfalg, V, Hüser, N, van Meel, M, Haller, B, Rahmel, A, de Boer, J, Matevossian, E, Novotny, A, Knops, N, Weekers, L, Friess, H, Pratschke, J, Függer, R, Janko, O, Rasoul-Rockenschaub, S, Bosmans, JL, Broeders, N, Peeters, P, Mourad, M, Kuypers, D, Slaviček, J, Muehlfeld, A, Sommer, F, Viebahn, R, Pascher, A, van der Giet, M, Zantvoort, F, Woitas, RP, Putz, J, Grabitz, K, Kribben, A, Hauser, I, Pisarski, P, Weimer, R, Lorf, T, Fornara, P, Morath, C, Nashan, B, Lehner, F, Kliem, V, Sester, U, Grimm, MO, Feldkamp, T, Kleinert, R, Arns, W, Mönch, C, Schoenberg, MB, Nitschke, M, Krüger, B, Thorban, S, Arbogast, HP, Wolters, HH, Maier, T, Lutz, J, Heller, K, Banas, B, Hakenberg, O, Kalus, M, Nadalin, S, Keller, F, Lopau, K, Bemelman, FJ, Nurmohamed, S, Sanders, JS, de Fijter, JW, Christiaans, M, Hilbrands, L, Betjes, M, van Zuilen, A, and Heemann, U, High-urgency kidney transplantation in the Eurotransplant Kidney Allocation System: success or waste of organs? The Eurotransplant 15-year all-centre survey. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2016. 31(9): p. 1515-22. D.O.I.: 10.1093/ndt/gfv446
  51. Maus, MK, Leers, J, Herbold, T, Bludau, M, Chon, SH, Kleinert, R, Hescheler, DA, Bollschweiler, E, Hölscher, AH, Schäfer, H, and Alakus, H, Gastric Outlet Obstruction After Esophagectomy: Retrospective Analysis of the Effectiveness and Safety of Postoperative Endoscopic Pyloric Dilatation. World journal of surgery, 2016. 40(10): p. 2405-11. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00268-016-3575-1
  52. Kleinert, R, Plum, P, Heiermann, N, Wahba, R, Chang, DH, Hölscher, AH, and Stippel, DL, Embedding a Virtual Patient Simulator in an Interactive Surgical lecture. J Surg Educ, 2016. 73(3): p. 433-41. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2015.11.006
  53. Schulte am Esch, J, Schmelzle, M, Duhme, C, Fuerst, G, Robson, SC, Bode, JG, Krieg, A, Topp, SA, Haeussinger, D, and Knoefel, WT, Reply to Letter: "Infusion of CD133+ Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell After Selective Portal Vein Embolization Enhances Functional Hepatic Reserves After Extended Right Hepatectomy". Annals of surgery, 2016. 263(3): p. e44-5. D.O.I.: 10.1097/sla.0000000000000849
  54. Wahba, R, Franke, M, Hellmich, M, Kleinert, R, Cingöz, T, Schmidt, MC, Stippel, DL, and Bangard, C, Computed Tomography Volumetry in Preoperative Living Kidney Donor Assessment for Prediction of Split Renal Function. Transplantation, 2016. 100(6): p. 1270-7. D.O.I.: 10.1097/tp.0000000000000889
  55. Witzel, K, Hellinger, A, Kaminski, C, and Benhidjeb, T, Endoscopic thyroidectomy: the transoral approach. Gland surgery, 2016. 5(3): p. 336-41. D.O.I.: 10.21037/gs.2015.08.04
  56. Gerntke, IC, Eliseeva, MY, Kosmas, IP, Ivanov, AA, Benhidjeb, T, and Mynbaev, OA, Low and standard pressure pneumoperitoneum effects during laparoscopic procedures: Problems of study design, analysis and presentation of results. International journal of surgery (London, England), 2016. 30: p. 45-7. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2016.03.071
  57. Wahba, R, Kleinert, R, Hellmich, M, Kurschat, C, Heiermann, N, Dieplinger, G, Löser, J, and Stippel, DL, Postoperative Continuous Infusion of Local Anesthesia in Hand-Assisted Retroperitoneoscopic Living Donor Nephrectomy. Transplantation proceedings, 2016. 48(6): p. 1940-3. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2016.03.053
  58. Mynbaev, OA, Stark, M, and Benhidjeb, T, Possible cause-effect mechanisms of GI microcirculation changes during transgastric natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2016. 84(1): p. 204-5. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.gie.2016.02.004
  59. Gerntke, CI, Kersten, JF, Schon, G, Mann, O, Stark, M, and Benhidjeb, T, Women's Perception of Transvaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES): Results of a Survey of Female Medical Staff and Literature Review. Surgical innovation, 2016. 23(2): p. 201-11. D.O.I.: 10.1177/1553350615598621
  60. Przybylla, S, Stindt, J, Kleinschrodt, D, Schulte am Esch, J, Haussinger, D, Keitel, V, Smits, SH, and Schmitt, L, Analysis of the Bile Salt Export Pump (ABCB11) Interactome Employing Complementary Approaches. PloS one, 2016. 11(7): p. e0159778. D.O.I.: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159778
  61. Stindt, S, Cebula, P, Albrecht, U, Keitel, V, Schulte am Esch, J, Knoefel, WT, Bartenschlager, R, Haussinger, D, and Bode, JG, Hepatitis C Virus Activates a Neuregulin-Driven Circuit to Modify Surface Expression of Growth Factor Receptors of the ErbB Family. PloS one, 2016. 11(2): p. e0148711. D.O.I.: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148711
  62. Kleinert, R, Heiermann, N, Wahba, R, Chang, DH, Hölscher, AH, and Stippel, DL, Design, Realization, and First Validation of an Immersive Web-Based Virtual Patient Simulator for Training Clinical Decisions in Surgery. J Surg Educ, 2015. 72(6): p. 1131-8. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2015.05.009
  63. Kleinert, R, Heiermann, N, Plum, PS, Wahba, R, Chang, DH, Maus, M, Chon, SH, Hoelscher, AH, and Stippel, DL, Web-Based Immersive Virtual Patient Simulators: Positive Effect on Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education. J Med Internet Res, 2015. 17(11): p. e263. D.O.I.: 10.2196/jmir.5035
  64. Kleinert, R, Prenzel, K, Stoecklein, N, Alakus, H, Bollschweiler, E, Hölscher, A, and Warnecke-Eberz, U, Gene Expression of Col11A1 Is a Marker Not only for Pancreas Carcinoma But also for Adenocarcinoma of the Papilla of Vater, Discriminating Between Carcinoma and Chronic Pancreatitis. Anticancer Res, 2015. 35(11): p. 6153-8. D.O.I.:
  65. Ehlting, C, Bohmer, O, Hahnel, MJ, Thomas, M, Zanger, UM, Gaestel, M, Knoefel, WT, Schulte am Esch, J, Haussinger, D, and Bode, JG, Oncostatin M regulates SOCS3 mRNA stability via the MEK-ERK1/2-pathway independent of p38(MAPK)/MK2. Cellular signalling, 2015. 27(3): p. 555-67. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2014.12.016
  66. Benhidjeb, T, Transoral Video-Assisted Thyroidectomy and Its Clinical Implementation. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 2015. 25(6): p. 514-5. D.O.I.: 10.1089/lap.2015.0082
  67. Benhidjeb, T, Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy with Central Neck Dissection. Chinese medical journal, 2015. 128(13): p. 1838. D.O.I.: 10.4103/0366-6999.159366
  68. Mynbaev, OA, Tinelli, A, Malvasi, A, Kadayifci, O, Benhidjeb, T, and Stark, M, Is there only CO2 insufflation pressure impact on surgical field visualization during robotic surgery? Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2015. 292(6): p. 1177-8. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00404-015-3876-x
  69. Rodel, C, Graeven, U, Fietkau, R, Hohenberger, W, Hothorn, T, Arnold, D, Hofheinz, RD, Ghadimi, M, Wolff, HA, Lang-Welzenbach, M, Raab, HR, Wittekind, C, Strobel, P, Staib, L, Wilhelm, M, Grabenbauer, GG, Hoffmanns, H, Lindemann, F, Schlenska-Lange, A, Folprecht, G, Sauer, R, Liersch, T, German Rectal Cancer Study, G, and Co-investigator: Gharbi, A, Oxaliplatin added to fluorouracil-based preoperative chemoradiotherapy and postoperative chemotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer (the German CAO/ARO/AIO-04 study): final results of the multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol, 2015. 16(8): p. 979-89. D.O.I.: 10.1016/S1470-2045(15)00159-X
  70. Kleinert, R, Wahba, R, Chang, DH, Plum, P, Hölscher, AH, and Stippel, DL, 3D immersive patient simulators and their impact on learning success: a thematic review. J Med Internet Res, 2015. 17(4): p. e91. D.O.I.: 10.2196/jmir.3492
  71. Eliseeva, MY, Simakov, SS, Benhidjeb, T, Kolobov, AV, and Mynbaev, OA, Extracorporal rat cecum mesothelium desiccation-induced by CO2 insufflation: is there a clinical sense of this adhesion formation model? Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 2015. 128: p. 620-1. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.02.025
  72. Fleisch, MC, Hepp, P, Kaleta, T, Schulte am Esch, J, Rein, D, Fehm, T, and Beyer, I, Feasibility and first long-term results after laparoscopic rectal segment resection and vaginal specimen retrieval for deep infiltrating endometriosis. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2014. 289(6): p. 1241-7. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00404-014-3146-3
  73. Lehwald, N, Duhme, C, Wildner, M, Kuhn, S, Furst, G, Forbes, SJ, Jonas, S, Robson, SC, Knoefel, WT, Schmelzle, M, and Schulte am Esch, J, HGF and SDF-1-mediated mobilization of CD133+ BMSC for hepatic regeneration following extensive liver resection. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, 2014. 34(1): p. 89-101. D.O.I.: 10.1111/liv.12195
  74. Mynbaev, OA, Eliseeva, MY, Kadayifci, OT, Benhidjeb, T, and Stark, M, Inhibition of oxygen scavengers realized by peritoneal macrophages: an adhesion prevention target? International journal of nanomedicine, 2014. 9: p. 5259-60. D.O.I.: 10.2147/ijn.S76152
  75. Bruzzone, P, Giannarelli, D, and Adam, R, A preliminary European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association-European Liver Transplant Registry study on informed recipient consent and extended criteria liver donation. Transplantation proceedings, 2013. 45(7): p. 2613-5. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.07.024
  76. Stindt, J, Ellinger, P, Weissenberger, K, Droge, C, Herebian, D, Mayatepek, E, Homey, B, Braun, S, Schulte am Esch, J, Horacek, M, Canbay, A, Schmitt, L, Haussinger, D, and Kubitz, R, A novel mutation within a transmembrane helix of the bile salt export pump (BSEP, ABCB11) with delayed development of cirrhosis. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, 2013. 33(10): p. 1527-35. D.O.I.: 10.1111/liv.12217
  77. Wahba, R, Kleinert, R, Dieplinger, G, Bangard, C, Drebber, U, Hölscher, AH, and Stippel, DL, Mucinous cystic neoplasm or non-parasitic liver cyst? - A challenging diagnosis. Hepato-gastroenterology, 2013. 60(123): p. 585-9. D.O.I.: 10.5754/hge12670
  78. Kroepil, F, Dulian, A, Vallbohmer, D, Geddert, H, Krieg, A, Vay, C, Topp, SA, Schulte am Esch, J, Baldus, SE, Gires, O, Knoefel, WT, and Stoecklein, NH, High EpCAM expression is linked to proliferation and lauren classification in gastric cancer. BMC research notes, 2013. 6: p. 253. D.O.I.: 10.1186/1756-0500-6-253
  79. Kleinert, R, Wahba, R, Heiermann, N, Kisner, T, Hos, N, and Stippel, DL, Prognosis after "high urgent" kidney transplantation might be determined by control of preexisting septic condition. Transplantation proceedings, 2013. 45(1): p. 95-8. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2012.08.011
  80. Schmelzle, M, Splith, K, Andersen, LW, Kornek, M, Schuppan, D, Jones-Bamman, C, Nowak, M, Toxavidis, V, Salhanick, SD, Han, L, Schulte am Esch, J, Jonas, S, Donnino, MW, and Robson, SC, Increased plasma levels of microparticles expressing CD39 and CD133 in acute liver injury. Transplantation, 2013. 95(1): p. 63-9. D.O.I.: 10.1097/TP.0b013e318278d3cd
  81. Knoefel, WT, Gabor, I, Rehders, A, Alexander, A, Krausch, M, Schulte am Esch, J, Furst, G, and Topp, SA, In situ liver transection with portal vein ligation for rapid growth of the future liver remnant in two-stage liver resection. The British journal of surgery, 2013. 100(3): p. 388-94. D.O.I.: 10.1002/bjs.8955
  82. Krieg, A, Mersch, S, Wolf, N, Stoecklein, NH, Verde, PE, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Heikaus, S, Gabbert, HE, Knoefel, WT, and Mahotka, C, Expression of TRAIL-splice variants in gastric carcinomas: identification of TRAIL-gamma as a prognostic marker. BMC cancer, 2013. 13: p. 384. D.O.I.: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-384
  83. Koop, O, Gries, A, Eckert, S, Ellermeier, S, Hoksch, B, Branscheid, D, and Beshay, M, The role of intercostal nerve preservation in pain control after thoracotomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2013. 43(4): p. 808-12. D.O.I.: 10.1093/ejcts/ezs453
  84. Knoefel, WT, Alexander, A, Tustas, RY, Schmelzle, M, Klein, HM, Krieg, A, Topp, SA, Eisenberger, CF, Fuerst, G, and Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, [Stem cell-induced liver regeneration]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2013. 138(2): p. 166-72. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0031-1271587
  85. Lemmer, D, Steinert, R, Meyer, F, Beshay, M, and Reymond, MA, [Five years after the new further education legislation (WBO 2005): experience from the seminar basic surgery, common trunk in Bielefeld]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2013. 138(2): p. e1-4. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0031-1283715
  86. Schmelzle, M, Duhme, C, Junger, W, Salhanick, SD, Chen, Y, Wu, Y, Toxavidis, V, Csizmadia, E, Han, L, Bian, S, Furst, G, Nowak, M, Karp, SJ, Knoefel, WT, Robson, SC, and Schulte am Esch, J, CD39 modulates hematopoietic stem cell recruitment and promotes liver regeneration in mice and humans after partial hepatectomy. Annals of surgery, 2013. 257(4): p. 693-701. D.O.I.: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31826c3ec2
  87. Uzunoglu, FG, Koenig, AM, Bockhorn, M, Cataldegirmen, G, Izbicki, J, and Benhidjeb, T, [Emergency sternotomy during percutaneous central venous catheterisation - a case report]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2012. 137(3): p. 262-3. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0030-1262756
  88. Dittmar, Y, Rauchfuss, F, Goetz, M, Jandt, K, Scheuerlein, H, Heise, M, and Settmacher, U, Non-curative gastric resection for patients with stage 4 gastric cancer--a single center experience and current review of literature. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 2012. 397(5): p. 745-53. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00423-012-0902-3
  89. Bielecki, C, Bocklitz, TW, Schmitt, M, Krafft, C, Marquardt, C, Gharbi, A, Knosel, T, Stallmach, A, and Popp, J, Classification of inflammatory bowel diseases by means of Raman spectroscopic imaging of epithelium cells. J Biomed Opt, 2012. 17(7): p. 076030. D.O.I.: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.7.076030
  90. Barthel, E, Rauchfuss, F, Hoyer, H, Habrecht, O, Jandt, K, Gotz, M, Voigt, R, Heise, M, Marx, G, and Settmacher, U, Impact of stable PGI(2) analog iloprost on early graft viability after liver transplantation: a pilot study. Clin Transplant, 2012. 26(1): p. E38-47. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2011.01516.x
  91. Schulte am Esch, J, Schmelzle, M, Furst, G, Robson, SC, Krieg, A, Duhme, C, Tustas, RY, Alexander, A, Klein, HM, Topp, SA, Bode, JG, Haussinger, D, Eisenberger, CF, and Knoefel, WT, Infusion of CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells after selective portal vein embolization enhances functional hepatic reserves after extended right hepatectomy: a retrospective single-center study. Annals of surgery, 2012. 255(1): p. 79-85. D.O.I.: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31823d7d08
  92. Kroepil, F, Fluegen, G, Totikov, Z, Baldus, SE, Vay, C, Schauer, M, Topp, SA, Schulte am Esch, J, Knoefel, WT, and Stoecklein, NH, Down-regulation of CDH1 is associated with expression of SNAI1 in colorectal adenomas. PloS one, 2012. 7(9): p. e46665. D.O.I.: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046665
  93. Stark, M, Benhidjeb, T, Gidaro, S, and Morales, ER, The future of telesurgery: a universal system with haptic sensation. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 2012. 13(1): p. 74-6. D.O.I.: 10.5152/jtgga.2012.05
  94. Benhidjeb, T and Stark, M, Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS)-the next step in the evolution of minimally invasive surgery. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 2012. 13(1): p. 56-60. D.O.I.: 10.5152/jtgga.2012.04
  95. Tinelli, A, Malvasi, A, Manca, C, Alemanno, G, Bettocchi, S, and Benhidjeb, T, Post-laparoscopic mesh in post-menopausal umbilical hernia repair: a case series. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy, 2011. 20(5): p. 290-5. D.O.I.: 10.3109/13645706.2010.542754
  96. Rauchfuss, F, Breuer, M, Dittmar, Y, Heise, M, Bossert, T, Hekmat, K, and Settmacher, U, Implantation of the liver during reperfusion of the heart in combined heart-liver transplantation: own experience and review of the literature. Transplantation proceedings, 2011. 43(7): p. 2707-13. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2011.04.010
  97. Settmacher, U, Gotz, M, Rahmel, A, Barthel, E, Schlitt, H, Puhl, G, Broering, D, Lehner, F, Fischer, L, Paul, A, Schmidt, J, Nadalin, S, Obed, A, and Heise, M, Living donor liver transplantation in adults in the MELD era in Germany--a multi-center retrospective analysis. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2011. 24(9): p. 904-11. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2011.01283.x
  98. Ruffini, E, Van Raemdonck, D, Detterbeck, F, Rocco, G, Thomas, P, Venuta, F, European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Thymic Questionnaire Working, G, and Colaborator: Beshay, M, Management of thymic tumors: a survey of current practice among members of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. J Thorac Oncol, 2011. 6(3): p. 614-23. D.O.I.: 10.1097/JTO.0b013e318207cd74
  99. Richmon, JD, Pattani, KM, Benhidjeb, T, and Tufano, RP, Transoral robotic-assisted thyroidectomy: a preclinical feasibility study in 2 cadavers. Head & neck, 2011. 33(3): p. 330-3. D.O.I.: 10.1002/hed.21454
  100. Heise, M, Husmann, I, Gruneberg, AK, Knobel, A, Kirschner, P, and Heidenhain, C, Comparison of straight and Venaflo-type cuffed arteriovenous ePTFE grafts in an animal study. J Vasc Surg, 2011. 53(6): p. 1661-7. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.jvs.2011.01.061
  101. Stallmach, A, Hagel, S, Gharbi, A, Settmacher, U, Hartmann, M, Schmidt, C, and Bruns, T, Medical and surgical therapy of inflammatory bowel disease in the elderly - prospects and complications. J Crohns Colitis, 2011. 5(3): p. 177-88. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.crohns.2011.02.001
  102. Wilhelm, T and Benhidjeb, T, Transoral endoscopic neck surgery: feasibility and safety in a porcine model based on the example of thymectomy. Surgical endoscopy, 2011. 25(6): p. 1741-6. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-010-1305-6
  103. Scheuerlein, H, Rauchfuss, F, Gharbi, A, Heise, M, and Settmacher, U, Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair after solid-organ transplantation. Transplantation proceedings, 2011. 43(5): p. 1783-9. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2011.03.082
  104. Benhidjeb, T, Witzel, K, Stark, M, and Mann, O, Transoral thyroid and parathyroid surgery: still experimental! Surgical endoscopy, 2011. 25(7): p. 2411-3. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-010-1530-z
  105. Wahba, R, Kleinert, R, Prenzel, K, Bangard, C, Hölscher, AH, and Stippel, DL, Laparoscopic deroofing of nonparasitic liver cysts with or without greater omentum flap. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2011. 21(1): p. 54-8. D.O.I.: 10.1097/SLE.0b013e31820ad63d
  106. Schmelzle, M, Dizdar, L, Matthaei, H, Baldus, SE, Wolters, J, Lindenlauf, N, Bruns, I, Cadeddu, RP, Kropil, F, Topp, SA, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Eisenberger, CF, Knoefel, WT, and Stoecklein, NH, Esophageal cancer proliferation is mediated by cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9). Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators, 2011. 94(1-2): p. 25-33. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.prostaglandins.2010.12.001
  107. Schmelzle, M, Peterschulte, G, Matthaei, H, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Peiper, M, Rehders, A, Eisenberger, CF, and Knoefel, WT, [Necrotising inflammations of the lower extremities due to gastrointestinal perforations]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2011. 136(1): p. 82-3. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0030-1262685
  108. Prenzel, KL, Hölscher, AH, Grabolle, I, Fetzner, U, Kleinert, R, Gutschow, CA, and Stippel, DL, Impact of duct-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy with external drainage of the pancreatic duct after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The Journal of surgical research, 2011. 171(2): p. 558-62. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.jss.2010.06.046
  109. Scheuerlein, H, Rauchfuss, F, Dittmar, Y, El-Asfar, T, Gharbi, A, and Settmacher, U, [Modified mesh implantation technique for a large paraoesophageal type III hernia]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2011. 136(6): p. 625-8. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0031-1271551
  110. Settmacher, U, Dittmar, Y, Knosel, T, Schone, U, Heise, M, Jandt, K, and Altendorf-Hofmann, AK, Predictors of long-term survival in patients with colorectal liver metastases: a single center study and review of the literature. Int J Colorectal Dis, 2011. 26(8): p. 967-81. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00384-011-1195-7
  111. Benhidjeb, T and Stark, M, Endoscopic minimally invasive thyroidectomy (eMIT): safety first! World journal of surgery, 2011. 35(8): p. 1936-7; author reply 1938-9. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00268-011-1077-8
  112. Benhidjeb, T, Gericke, C, Spies, C, Miller, K, Schneider, A, and Muller, F, [Perception of natural orifice surgery. Results of a survey of female physicians and nursing staff]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2011. 82(8): p. 707-13. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-011-2079-7
  113. Schmelzle, M, Eisenberger, CF, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Matthaei, H, Krausch, M, and Knoefel, WT, Non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine, and non-sarcoma metastases of the liver: resection as a promising tool in the palliative management. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 2010. 395(3): p. 227-34. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00423-009-0580-y
  114. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Akyildiz, A, Tustas, RY, Ganschow, R, Schmelzle, M, Krieg, A, Robson, SC, Topp, SA, Rogiers, X, Knoefel, WT, and Fischer, L, ADP-dependent platelet function prior to and in the early course of pediatric liver transplantation and persisting thrombocytopenia are positively correlated with ischemia/reperfusion injury. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2010. 23(7): p. 745-52. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2010.01054.x
  115. Wilhelm, T, Harlaar, J, Kerver, A, Kleinrensink, GJ, and Benhidjeb, T, [Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy. Part 1: rationale and anatomical studies]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2010. 81(1): p. 50-5. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-009-1823-8
  116. Benhidjeb, T, Harlaar, J, Kerver, A, Kleinrensink, GJ, and Wilhelm, T, [Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy : Part 2: Surgical technique]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2010. 81(2): p. 134-8. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-009-1825-6
  117. Stark, M, Di Renzo, GC, and Benhidjeb, T, Natural orifice surgery (NOS)--toward a single-port transdouglas approach for intra-abdominal procedures. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 2010. 148(2): p. 114-7. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2009.10.015
  118. Hoksch, B, Seidel, N, Beshay, M, and Schmid, RA, [The thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis with intraoperative pleural biopsy - a retrospective analysis in patients with malignant pleural effusion]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2010. 135(1): p. 54-8. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0029-1224646
  119. Lehwald, N, Cupisti, K, Baldus, SE, Kropil, P, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Eisenberger, CF, and Knoefel, WT, Unusual histological findings after partial pancreaticoduodenectomy including benign multicystic mesothelioma, adenomyoma of the ampulla of Vater, and undifferentiated carcinoma, sarcomatoid variant: a case series. Journal of medical case reports, 2010. 4: p. 402. D.O.I.: 10.1186/1752-1947-4-402
  120. Delgadillo, X, Muller, JS, Solass, W, and Reymond, MA, [Value of surgery in the palliative therapy for rectal cancer]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2010. 135(6): p. 523-7. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-0030-1262692
  121. Benhidjeb, T, Witzel, K, Burghardt, J, Barlehner, E, Stark, M, and Mann, O, Endoscopic minimally invasive thyroidectomy: ethical and patients safety considerations on the first clinical experience of an innovative approach. Surgical endoscopy, 2010. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-010-1290-9
  122. Wilhelm, T, Harlaar, JJ, Kerver, A, Kleinrensink, GJ, and Benhidjeb, T, Surgical anatomy of the floor of the oral cavity and the cervical spaces as a rationale for trans-oral, minimal-invasive endoscopic surgical procedures: results of anatomical studies. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2010. 267(8): p. 1285-90. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00405-010-1219-x
  123. Heise, M, Kirschner, P, Rabsch, A, Zanow, J, Settmacher, U, and Heidenhain, C, In vitro testing of a newly developed arteriovenous double-outflow graft. J Vasc Surg, 2010. 52(2): p. 421-8. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.jvs.2010.03.019
  124. Schmelzle, M, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, and Robson, SC, Coagulation, platelet activation and thrombosis in xenotransplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 2010. 15(2): p. 212-8. D.O.I.: 10.1097/MOT.0b013e3283373ccc
  125. Benhidjeb, T and Stark, M, An innovative technique for colorectal specimen retrieval: a new era of "Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction" (N.O.S.E.). Diseases of the colon and rectum, 2010. 53(4): p. 502-3; author reply 503. D.O.I.: 10.1007/DCR.0b013e3181ca7dd7
  126. Gardiner, EE, Arthur, JF, Shen, Y, Karunakaran, D, Moore, LA, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Andrews, RK, and Berndt, MC, GPIbalpha-selective activation of platelets induces platelet signaling events comparable to GPVI activation events. Platelets, 2010. 21(4): p. 244-52. D.O.I.: 10.3109/09537101003695339
  127. Schmelzle, M, Alldinger, I, Matthaei, H, Aydin, F, Wallert, I, Eisenberger, CF, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Dizdar, L, Topp, SA, Yang, Q, and Knoefel, WT, Long-term vacuum-assisted closure in open abdomen due to secondary peritonitis: a retrospective evaluation of a selected group of patients. Digestive surgery, 2010. 27(4): p. 272-8. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000314609
  128. Kleinert, R, Wahba, R, Bangard, C, Prenzel, K, Hölscher, AH, and Stippel, D, Radiomorphology of the Habib sealer-induced resection plane during long-time followup: a longitudinal single center experience after 64 radiofrequency-assisted liver resections. HPB Surg, 2010. 2010: p. 403097. D.O.I.: 10.1155/2010/403097
  129. Schulte am Esch, J, Jurk, K, Knoefel, WT, Roeder, G, Voss, H, Tustas, RY, Schmelzle, M, Krieg, A, Eisenberger, CF, Topp, S, Rogiers, X, Fischer, L, Aken, HV, and Kehrel, BE, Platelet activation and increased tissue factor expression on monocytes in reperfusion injury following orthotopic liver transplantation. Platelets, 2010. 21(5): p. 348-59. D.O.I.: 10.3109/09537101003739897
  130. Amelung, JT, Buhrens, R, Beshay, M, and Reymond, MA, Key genes in lung cancer translational research: a meta-analysis. Pathobiology, 2010. 77(2): p. 53-63. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000278292
  131. Deng, M, Kleinert, R, Huang, H, He, Q, Madrahimova, F, Dirsch, O, and Dahmen, U, Statistical and economical efficiency in assessment of liver regeneration using defined sample size and selection in combination with a fully automated image analysis system. J Histochem Cytochem, 2009. 57(11): p. 1075-85. D.O.I.: 10.1369/jhc.2009.953869
  132. Benhidjeb, T, Wilhelm, T, Harlaar, J, Kleinrensink, GJ, Schneider, TA, and Stark, M, Natural orifice surgery on thyroid gland: totally transoral video-assisted thyroidectomy (TOVAT): report of first experimental results of a new surgical method. Surgical endoscopy, 2009. 23(5): p. 1119-20. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-009-0347-0
  133. Brenndorfer, ED, Karthe, J, Frelin, L, Cebula, P, Erhardt, A, Schulte am Esch, J, Hengel, H, Bartenschlager, R, Sallberg, M, Haussinger, D, and Bode, JG, Nonstructural 3/4A protease of hepatitis C virus activates epithelial growth factor-induced signal transduction by cleavage of the T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 2009. 49(6): p. 1810-20. D.O.I.: 10.1002/hep.22857
  134. Krieg, A, Rohrborn, A, Schulte am Esch, J, Schubert, D, Poll, LW, Ohmann, C, Braunstein, S, and Knoefel, WT, Necrotizing fasciitis: microbiological characteristics and predictors of postoperative outcome. European journal of medical research, 2009. 14(1): p. 30-6. D.O.I.:
  135. Namdar, T, Raffel, A, Topp, SA, Schulte am Esch, J, Furst, G, Knoefel, WT, and Eisenberger, CF, Intrahepatic cholestasis without jaundice. Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT, 2009. 8(1): p. 103-5. D.O.I.:
  136. Schmelzle, M, Matthaei, H, Lehwald, N, Raffel, A, Tustas, RY, Pomjanski, N, Reinecke, P, Schmitt, M, Schulte am Esch, J, Knoefel, WT, and Eisenberger, CF, Extrahepatic intraductal ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma: bile duct filling defect. Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT, 2009. 8(6): p. 650-2. D.O.I.:
  137. Hoksch, B, Rufer, B, Gazdhar, A, Bilici, M, Beshay, M, Gugger, M, and Schmid, RA, Taurolidine in the prevention and therapy of lung metastases. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2009. 36(6): p. 1058-63. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065
  138. Beshay, M, Gazdhar, A, Gugger, M, Reymond, M, and Schmid, RA, The feasibility of non-viral gene transfer to the diaphragm in vivo. Dev Growth Differ, 2009. 51(6): p. 547-53. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2009.01117.x
  139. Witzel, K and Benhidjeb, T, Monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in totally endoscopic thyroid surgery. European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes, 2009. 43(2): p. 72-6. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000220596
  140. Buhrens, RI, Amelung, JT, Reymond, MA, and Beshay, M, Protein expression in human non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic database. Pathobiology, 2009. 76(6): p. 277-85. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000245893
  141. Reymond, MA, Translational research in cancer: time to reevaluate. Pathobiology, 2009. 76(6): p. 275-6. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000245892
  142. Benhidjeb, T, Benecke, C, and Strik, MW, [Incisional hernia repair: sublay or intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM)?]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2008. 133(5): p. 458-63. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-2008-1076954
  143. Witzel, K, Benhidjeb, T, Barlehner, E, Stark, M, and Draf, W, [The present place of video-assisted procedures in thyroid surgery]. Laryngo- rhino- otologie, 2008. 87(9): p. 623-7; discussion 628. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-2007-995630
  144. Schmelzle, M, Matthaei, H, Tustas, RY, Schmitt, M, Muller-Mattheis, V, Linhart, W, Eisenberger, CF, Knoefel, WT, and Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Abdominal perforation after rupture of a diamond-studded wire: a case report. Cases J, 2008. 1(1): p. 307. D.O.I.: 10.1186/1757-1626-1-307
  145. Thiemann, M, Benhidjeb, T, Anders, S, Gebauer, B, and Strik, MW, Hepato-pericardial fistula following radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for liver metastasis: a case report and review of the literature. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 2008. 393(6): p. 1013-6. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00423-008-0293-7
  146. Scheunemann, P, Stoecklein, NH, Rehders, A, Bidde, M, Metz, S, Peiper, M, Eisenberger, CF, Schulte am Esch, J, Knoefel, WT, and Hosch, SB, Occult tumor cells in lymph nodes as a predictor for tumor relapse in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 2008. 393(3): p. 359-65. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00423-007-0215-0
  147. Krieg, A, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Poll, LW, Braunstein, S, and Knoefel, WT, Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix misdiagnosed as cystic hydatid disease of the liver: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 2008. 2: p. 218. D.O.I.: 10.1186/1752-1947-2-218
  148. Stark, M and Benhidjeb, T, Natural Orifice Surgery: Transdouglas surgery--a new concept. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 2008. 12(3): p. 295-8. D.O.I.:
  149. Schellhammer, F, Schulte am Esch, J, Hammerschlag, S, Knoefel, WT, and Furst, G, Surgical access to jejunal veins for local thrombolysis and stent placement in portal vein thrombosis. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology, 2008. 31 Suppl 2: p. S185-7. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00270-007-9180-9
  150. Barlehner, E and Benhidjeb, T, Cervical scarless endoscopic thyroidectomy: Axillo-bilateral-breast approach (ABBA). Surgical endoscopy, 2008. 22(1): p. 154-7. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-007-9393-7
  151. Steinert, R, Hantschick, M, Vieth, M, Gastinger, I, Kuhnel, F, Lippert, H, and Reymond, MA, Influence of subclinical tumor spreading on survival after curative surgery for colorectal cancer. Arch Surg, 2008. 143(2): p. 122-8. D.O.I.: 10.1001/archsurg.2007.49
  152. Furst, G, Schulte am Esch, J, Fritz, LB, Godehardt, E, Mödder, U, and Knoefel, WT, Reply to Letter: Portal vein embolization and stem cell administration - (letter to the editor: Ozkan F, Peynircioglu B and Cil BE) Radiology, 2008. 246(2): p. 646; author reply 646-7. D.O.I.: 10.1148/radiol.2462070523
  153. Topp, SA, Krieg, A, Koch, A, Tidden, CM, Ramp, U, Hohlfeld, T, Macher, A, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Eisenberger, CF, Stoecklein, NH, and Knoefel, WT, Hemoglobin-glutamer 200 reduces reperfusion injury of the cold preserved rat liver by induction of heme oxygenase-1. The Journal of surgical research, 2008. 150(2): p. 243-54. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.jss.2008.02.033
  154. Burghardt, J, Federlein, M, Muller, V, Benhidjeb, T, Elling, D, and Gellert, K, [Minimal invasive transvaginal right hemicolectomy: report of the first complex NOS (natural orifice surgery) bowels operation using a hybrid approach]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2008. 133(6): p. 574-6. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-2008-1076992
  155. Beshay, M, Carboni, G, Hoksch, B, Reymond, MA, and Schmid, RA, The role of muscle flap in preventing bronchus stump insufficiency after pneumonectomy for malignant pleural mesothelioma in high-risk patients. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 2008. 7(4): p. 621-4; discussion 624-5. D.O.I.: 10.1510/icvts.2007.166546
  156. Benhidjeb, T, Burghardt, J, and Stark, M, Novel technologies for natural orifice surgery: an overview. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy, 2008. 17(6): p. 346-54. D.O.I.: 10.1080/13645700802528264
  157. Witzel, K, Riester, U, Arps, H, Kronsbein, H, and Benhidjeb, T, [Mastitis with abscesses caused by esophageal fistula]. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 2008. 120(3-4): p. 118-20. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00508-007-0836-x
  158. Srour, N, Reymond, MA, and Steinert, R, Lost in translation? A systematic database of gene expression in breast cancer. Pathobiology, 2008. 75(2): p. 112-8. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000123849
  159. Schwarz, A, Bolke, E, Peiper, M, Schulte am Esch, J, Steinbach, G, van Griensven, M, and Orth, K, Inflammatory peritoneal reaction after perforated appendicitis: continuous peritoneal lavage versus non lavage. European journal of medical research, 2007. 12(5): p. 200-5. D.O.I.:
  160. Steinbach, G, Bolke, E, Schulte am Esch, J, Peiper, M, Zant, R, Schwarz, A, Spiess, B, van Griensven, M, and Orth, K, Comparison of whole blood interleukin-8 and plasma interleukin-8 as a predictor for sepsis in postoperative patients. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 2007. 378(1-2): p. 117-21. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.cca.2006.11.012
  161. Benhidjeb, T, Witzel, K, Barlehner, E, and Stark, M, [The natural orifice surgery concept. Vision and rationale for a paradigm shift]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2007. 78(6): p. 537-42. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-007-1346-0
  162. Stark, M and Benhidjeb, T, Transcolonic endoscopic cholecystectomy: a NOTES survival study in a porcine model. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2007. 66(1): p. 208-9; author reply 209-10. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.gie.2006.12.036
  163. Strik, MW, Anders, S, Barth, M, Barlehner, E, Benecke, C, and Benhidjeb, T, [Total videoendoscopic thyroid resection by the axillobilateral breast approach. Operative method and first results]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2007. 78(12): p. 1139-44. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-007-1399-0
  164. Beshay, M, Kaiser, H, Niedhart, D, Reymond, MA, and Schmid, RA, Emphysema and secondary pneumothorax in young adults smoking cannabis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2007. 32(6): p. 834-8. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2007.07.039
  165. Beshay, M, Dorn, P, Ris, HB, and Schmid, RA, Influence of comorbidity on outcome after pulmonary resection in the elderly. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann, 2007. 15(4): p. 297-302. D.O.I.: 10.1177/021849230701500406
  166. Furst, G, Schulte am Esch, J, Poll, LW, Hosch, SB, Fritz, LB, Klein, M, Godehardt, E, Krieg, A, Wecker, B, Stoldt, V, Stockschlader, M, Eisenberger, CF, Modder, U, and Knoefel, WT, Portal vein embolization and autologous CD133+ bone marrow stem cells for liver regeneration: initial experience. Radiology, 2007. 243(1): p. 171-9. D.O.I.: 10.1148/radiol.2431060625
  167. Reymond, MA and Schlegel, W, Proteomics in cancer. Adv Clin Chem, 2007. 44: p. 103-42. D.O.I.:
  168. Scheunemann, P, Stoecklein, NH, Rehders, A, Bidde, M, Metz, S, Peiper, M, Eisenberger, C, Schulte am Esch, J, Knoefel, WT, and Hosch, SB, Frequency and prognostic significance of occult tumor cells in lymph nodes in patients with adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 2007. 9(2): p. 135-9. D.O.I.: 10.1080/13651820601090646
  169. Krieg, A, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Ramp, U, Hosch, SB, Knoefel, WT, Gabbert, HE, and Mahotka, C, TRAIL-R4-beta: a new splice variant of TRAIL-receptor 4 lacking the cysteine rich domain 1. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2006. 349(1): p. 115-21. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2006.08.031
  170. Eisenberger, CF, Stoecklein, NH, Jazra, S, Hosch, SB, Peiper, M, Scheunemann, P, Schulte am Esch, J, and Knoefel, WT, The detection of oesophageal adenocarcinoma by serum microsatellite analysis. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, 2006. 32(9): p. 954-60. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.ejso.2006.02.015
  171. Stoecklein, NH, Siegmund, A, Scheunemann, P, Luebke, AM, Erbersdobler, A, Verde, PE, Eisenberger, CF, Peiper, M, Rehders, A, Schulte am Esch, J, Knoefel, WT, and Hosch, SB, Ep-CAM expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus: a potential therapeutic target and prognostic marker. BMC cancer, 2006. 6: p. 165. D.O.I.: 10.1186/1471-2407-6-165
  172. Steinert, R, Nestler, G, Sagynaliev, E, Muller, J, Lippert, H, and Reymond, MA, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and gallbladder cancer. J Surg Oncol, 2006. 93(8): p. 682-9. D.O.I.: 10.1002/jso.20536
  173. Krieg, A, Schulte am Esch, J, Schmelzle, M, Tustas, R, El-Karmi, A, Hosch, S, and Knoefel, WT, Stem cell factor levels do increase in patients subsequent to hepatectomy with the extent of parenchymal loss. Transplantation proceedings, 2006. 38(10): p. 3556-8. D.O.I.: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2006.10.111
  174. Kuester, JR, Frese, S, Stein, RM, Roth, T, Beshay, M, and Schmid, RA, Treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax in Switzerland: results of a survey. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 2006. 5(2): p. 139-44. D.O.I.: 10.1510/icvts.2005.122770
  175. Beshay, M, Dorn, P, Kuester, JR, Carboni, GL, Gugger, M, and Schmid, RA, Video thoracoscopic surgery used to manage tuberculosis in thoracic surgery. Surgical endoscopy, 2005. 19(10): p. 1341-4. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-004-2130-6
  176. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Tustas, RY, Robson, SC, Hosch, SB, Akyildiz, A, Broring, DC, Fischer, L, Knoefel, WT, and Rogiers, X, Recipient levels and function of von Willebrand factor prior to liver transplantation and its consumption in the course of grafting correlate with hepatocellular damage and outcome. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2005. 18(11): p. 1258-65. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2005.00110.x
  177. Hoksch, B, Weber, T, Beshay, M, Stein, R, Schardt, J, and Schmid, RA, [Differential diagnosis of pulmonary infiltration after insertion of a chest tube for pneumothorax]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2005. 76(3): p. 270-2. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-004-0985-7
  178. Barlehner, E, Benhidjeb, T, Anders, S, and Schicke, B, Laparoscopic resection for rectal cancer: outcomes in 194 patients and review of the literature. Surgical endoscopy, 2005. 19(6): p. 757-66. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00464-004-9134-0
  179. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Robson, SC, Knoefel, WT, Eisenberger, CF, Peiper, M, and Rogiers, X, Impact of O-linked glycosylation of the VWF-A1-domain flanking regions on platelet interaction. British journal of haematology, 2005. 128(1): p. 82-90. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2004.05253.x
  180. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Robson, SC, Knoefel, WT, Hosch, SB, and Rogiers, X, O-linked glycosylation and functional incompatibility of porcine von Willebrand factor for human platelet GPIb receptors. Xenotransplantation, 2005. 12(1): p. 30-7. D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1399-3089.2004.00187.x
  181. Broering, DC, Wilms, C, Lenk, C, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Schonherr, S, Mueller, L, Kim, JS, Helmke, K, Burdelski, M, and Rogiers, X, Technical refinements and results in full-right full-left splitting of the deceased donor liver. Annals of surgery, 2005. 242(6): p. 802-12, discussion 812-3. D.O.I.:
  182. Hoksch, B, Weber, T, Beshay, M, Stein, R, and Schmid, R, [Pericardial empyema due to oropharyngeal infection -- a rare entity]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2005. 130(4): p. 375-8. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-2005-836797
  183. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Knoefel, WT, Klein, M, Ghodsizad, A, Fuerst, G, Poll, LW, Piechaczek, C, Burchardt, ER, Feifel, N, Stoldt, V, Stockschlader, M, Stoecklein, N, Tustas, RY, Eisenberger, CF, Peiper, M, Haussinger, D, and Hosch, SB, Portal application of autologous CD133+ bone marrow cells to the liver: a novel concept to support hepatic regeneration. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio), 2005. 23(4): p. 463-70. D.O.I.: 10.1634/stemcells.2004-0283
  184. Demetriou, AA, Brown, RS, Jr., Busuttil, RW, Fair, J, McGuire, BM, Rosenthal, P, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Lerut, J, Nyberg, SL, Salizzoni, M, Fagan, EA, de Hemptinne, B, Broelsch, CE, Muraca, M, Salmeron, JM, Rabkin, JM, Metselaar, HJ, Pratt, D, De La Mata, M, McChesney, LP, Everson, GT, Lavin, PT, Stevens, AC, Pitkin, Z, and Solomon, BA, Prospective, randomized, multicenter, controlled trial of a bioartificial liver in treating acute liver failure. Annals of surgery, 2004. 239(5): p. 660-7; discussion 667-70. D.O.I.:
  185. Cichon, G, Willnow, T, Herwig, S, Uckert, W, Loser, P, Schmidt, HH, Benhidjeb, T, Schlag, PM, Schnieders, F, Niedzielska, D, and Heeren, J, Non-physiological overexpression of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) gene in the liver induces pathological intracellular lipid and cholesterol storage. The journal of gene medicine, 2004. 6(2): p. 166-75. D.O.I.: 10.1002/jgm.473
  186. Broering, DC, Schulte am Esch, J, Fischer, L, and Rogiers, X, Split liver transplantation. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 2004. 6(2): p. 76-82. D.O.I.: 10.1080/13651820310020774
  187. Barlehner, E, Benhidjeb, T, Anders, S, and Schicke, B, Laparoscopic surgery for colon and rectal cancer. Surgical technology international, 2004. 13: p. 93-9. D.O.I.:
  188. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Robson, SC, and Cruz, MA, Platelet aggregation by membrane-expressed A1 domains of von Willebrand Factor is dependent on residues Asp 560 and Gly 561. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2003. 302(4): p. 873-7. D.O.I.:
  189. Standl, T, Burmeister, MA, Schroeder, F, Currlin, E, Schulte am Esch, J, Freitag, M, and Schulte am Esch, J, Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4 provides larger and faster increases in tissue oxygen tension in comparison with prehemodilution values than HES 70/0.5 or HES 200/0.5 in volunteers undergoing acute normovolemic hemodilution. Anesthesia and analgesia, 2003. 96(4): p. 936-43, table of contents. D.O.I.:
  190. Schulte am Esch, J, Hamann, D, Soltau, M, Zante, B, Jungbluth, M, Sputek, A, Nierhaus, A, Hillert, C, Broering, DC, and Rogiers, X, Human antibody deposition, complement activation, and DNA fragmentation are observed for porcine hepatocytes in a clinically applied bioartificial liver assist system. Transplantation proceedings, 2002. 34(6): p. 2321. D.O.I.:
  191. Broering, DC, Hillert, C, Krupski, G, Fischer, L, Mueller, L, Achilles, EG, Schulte am Esch, J, and Rogiers, X, Portal vein embolization vs. portal vein ligation for induction of hypertrophy of the future liver remnant. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2002. 6(6): p. 905-13; discussion 913. D.O.I.:
  192. Meyer, F, Muller, JS, Burger, T, Halloul, Z, and Lippert, H, [Experiences with ambulatory arteriovenous shunt surgery. A cost-benefit analysis]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 2002. 73(3): p. 274-8. D.O.I.: 10.1007/s00104-001-0391-3
  193. Meyer, F, Muller, JS, and Lippert, H, [Pneumoperitoneum as occasional finding in chronic dialysis patients--laparotomy or conservative non-operative approach?]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2002. 127(7): p. 629-32. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-2002-32846
  194. Schlag, PM, Liebeskind, U, Bembenek, A, Slisow, W, Benhidjeb, T, Kettelhack, C, and Tunn, PU, Surgical oncology in the interplay of surgical and nonsurgical disciplines. Onkologie, 2002. 25(4): p. 309-16. D.O.I.: 10.1159/000066047
  195. Meyer, F, Muller, JS, Grote, R, Halloul, Z, Lippert, H, and Burger, T, [Fistula Banding - Success-promoting Approach in Peripheral Steal Syndrome]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 2002. 127(8): p. 685-8. D.O.I.: 10.1055/s-2002-33705
  196. Schlag, PM, Benhidjeb, T, and Stroszczynski, C, Resection and local therapy for liver metastases. Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology, 2002. 16(2): p. 299-317. D.O.I.: 10.1053/bega.2002.0286
  197. Benhidjeb, T, Moesta, KT, and Schlag, PM, [Staging and neoadjuvant therapy of squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus]. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique, 2001. 58(3): p. 165-73. D.O.I.: 10.1024/0040-5930.58.3.165
  198. Grusser, SM, Winter, C, Schaefer, M, Fritzsche, K, Benhidjeb, T, Tunn, P, Schlag, PM, and Flor, H, Perceptual phenomena after unilateral arm amputation: a pre-post-surgical comparison. Neuroscience letters, 2001. 302(1): p. 13-6. D.O.I.:
  199. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Rogiers, X, and Robson, SC, Molecular incompatibilities in hemostasis between swine and men--impact on xenografting. Annals of transplantation, 2001. 6(3): p. 12-6. D.O.I.:
  200. Koziak, K, Kaczmarek, E, Kittel, A, Sevigny, J, Blusztajn, JK, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Imai, M, Guckelberger, O, Goepfert, C, Qawi, I, and Robson, SC, Palmitoylation targets CD39/endothelial ATP diphosphohydrolase to caveolae. The Journal of biological chemistry, 2000. 275(3): p. 2057-62. D.O.I.:
  201. Cichon, G, Schmidt, HH, Benhidjeb, T, Loser, P, Ziemer, S, Haas, R, Grewe, N, Schnieders, F, Heeren, J, Manns, MP, Schlag, PM, and Strauss, M, Intravenous administration of recombinant adenoviruses causes thrombocytopenia, anemia and erythroblastosis in rabbits. The journal of gene medicine, 1999. 1(5): p. 360-71. D.O.I.: 10.1002/(sici)1521-2254(199909/10)1:5<360::Aid-jgm54>3.0.Co;2-q
  202. Enjyoji, K, Sevigny, J, Lin, Y, Frenette, PS, Christie, PD, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Imai, M, Edelberg, JM, Rayburn, H, Lech, M, Beeler, DL, Csizmadia, E, Wagner, DD, Robson, SC, and Rosenberg, RD, Targeted disruption of cd39/ATP diphosphohydrolase results in disordered hemostasis and thromboregulation. Nat Med, 1999. 5(9): p. 1010-7. D.O.I.: 10.1038/12447
  203. Imai, M, Kaczmarek, E, Koziak, K, Sevigny, J, Goepfert, C, Guckelberger, O, Csizmadia, E, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, and Robson, SC, Suppression of ATP diphosphohydrolase/CD39 in human vascular endothelial cells. Biochemistry, 1999. 38(41): p. 13473-9. D.O.I.:
  204. Hunerbein, M, Ghadimi, BM, Benhidjeb, T, and Schlag, PM, A rare malformation of the pancreaticobiliary junction long common channel choledochal cyst and pancreas divisum in a patient with pancreatic cancer. Hepato-gastroenterology, 1999. 46(27): p. 1647-9. D.O.I.:
  205. Robson, SC, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, and Bach, FH, Factors in xenograft rejection. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1999. 875: p. 261-76. D.O.I.:
  206. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Sevigny, J, Kaczmarek, E, Siegel, JB, Imai, M, Koziak, K, Beaudoin, AR, and Robson, SC, Structural elements and limited proteolysis of CD39 influence ATP diphosphohydrolase activity. Biochemistry, 1999. 38(8): p. 2248-58. D.O.I.: 10.1021/bi982426k
  207. Schlag, PM, Benhidjeb, T, and Kilpert, B, [Principles of curative resection of liver metastases]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 1999. 70(2): p. 123-32. D.O.I.:
  208. Kopp, CW, Grey, ST, Siegel, JB, McShea, A, Vetr, H, Wrighton, CJ, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Bach, FH, and Robson, SC, Expression of human thrombomodulin cofactor activity in porcine endothelial cells. Transplantation, 1998. 66(2): p. 244-51. D.O.I.:
  209. Siegel, JB, Grey, ST, Lesnikoski, BA, Kopp, CW, Soares, M, Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Bach, FH, and Robson, SC, Xenogeneic endothelial cells activate human prothrombin. Transplantation, 1997. 64(6): p. 888-96. D.O.I.:
  210. Schulte am Esch, J, 2nd, Cruz, MA, Siegel, JB, Anrather, J, and Robson, SC, Activation of human platelets by the membrane-expressed A1 domain of von Willebrand factor. Blood, 1997. 90(11): p. 4425-37. D.O.I.:
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  215. Said, S, Benhidjeb, T, Jacobi, CA, and Muller, JM, Videoendoscopic vascular surgery on aortoiliac vessels. An experimental study. Surgical endoscopy, 1996. 10(12): p. 1140-4. D.O.I.:
  216. Benhidjeb, T, Said, S, Rudolph, B, and Siegmund, E, Anomalous pancreatico-biliary junction--report of a new experimental model and review of the literature. Journal of pediatric surgery, 1996. 31(12): p. 1670-4. D.O.I.:
  217. Benhidjeb, T and Zanow, J, [Surgical therapy of pancreatic and periampullary carcinoma in elderly patients]. Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie. Supplement. Kongressband. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Kongress, 1996. 113: p. 489-91. D.O.I.:
  218. Said, S, Benhidjeb, T, and Muller, JM, [Video endoscopic vascular surgery at the pelvic level in the animal experiment: introduction of a new surgical method and development of laparoscopic vascular surgery instruments]. Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie. Supplement. Kongressband. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Kongress, 1996. 113: p. 882-4. D.O.I.:
  219. Gellert, K, Agnes, A, Noack, F, Benhidjeb, T, and Jacobi, C, [Lymphadenectomy in surgery of bronchial carcinoma]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 1996. 121(2): p. 87-9. D.O.I.:
  220. Benhidjeb, T, Burger, K, Rudolph, B, Settmacher, U, and Buntrock, P, Occlusion of the popliteal and tibial artery complicating multiple exostoses. The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica, 1995. 161(1): p. 59-61. D.O.I.:
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  222. Jakob, H, Sigmund, M, Eschenhagen, T, Mende, U, Patten, M, Schmitz, W, Scholz, H, Schulte am Esch, J, Steinfath, M, Hanrath, P, and et al., Effect of captopril on myocardial beta-adrenoceptor density and Gi alpha-proteins in patients with mild to moderate heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 1995. 47(5): p. 389-94. D.O.I.:
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  233. Friess, P, Lippert, H, Muller, P, Noack, F, Modrejewski, A, Benhidjeb, T, Hanack, U, Schulz, HJ, Kranz, WD, Schopke, M, and et al., [Diagnosis of rejection after pancreatic transplantation in the minipig model]. Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Chirurgie, Transplantation, und kunstliche Organe : Organ der Sektion Experimentelle Chirurgie der Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie der DDR, 1990. 23(3): p. 141-5. D.O.I.:
  234. Wolff, H, Benhidjeb, T, Lippert, H, Frieb, P, and Pertschy, J, [Initial results of a new method of pancreatic transplantation]. Chirurgie; memoires de l'Academie de chirurgie, 1989. 115(8): p. 552-6; discussion 556-7. D.O.I.:


Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
Jan Schulte am Esch

Direktor der Universitätsklinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie

Tel: 0521 772-77413

Tel: 0521 772-77413


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Stellvertretender Zentrumsleiter

Dr. med.
Morris Beshay, FRCS

Chefarzt der Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie

Tel: 0521 772-77499

Tel: 0521 772-77499


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Stellvertretender Zentrumsleiter

Dr. med.
Burkhard Feidicker

Chefarzt der Klinik für Gefäßmedizin

Tel: 0521 772-75122

Tel: 0521 772-75122


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Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie

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Lehre und Weiterbildung

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Unsere Auszeichnungen

Qualitätssiegel MRSA

Für ihre Maßnahmen gegen die Verbreitung multiresistenter Erreger (MRE) sind das Evangelische Klinikum Bethel (EvKB) und das Krankenhaus Mara vom MRE-Netzwerk Nordwest mit dem Qualitätssiegel MRSA (Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus) ausgezeichnet worden. Das Siegel wird nur an Krankenhäuser vergeben, die in 10 verschiedenen Qualitätszielen zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung von MRSA punkten.

Aktion Saubere Hände Gold

Mit dem Gold-Zertifikat für die Jahre 2024 und 2025 hat das Evangelische Klinikum Bethel die höchste Auszeichnung der "Aktion saubere Hände" für Maßnahmen zur Krankenhaushygiene erhalten.

https://www.aktion-sauberehaende.de/ash/ash/ _blank

Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V.

Das Evangelische Klinikum Bethel ist Mitglied im Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit, um unseren Patienten eine größtmögliche Sicherheit bei ihrer Behandlung zukommen zu lassen.


Verstetigung Hygiene

Das Evangelische Klinikum Bethel wurde mit dem Siegel "Qualität und Transparenz" durch die Interreg Deutschland Nederland ausgezeichnet.

https://www.deutschland-nederland.eu/ _blank

Auszeichnung Selbsthilfefreundliches Krankenhaus

Das Evangelische Klinikum Bethel wurde vom Netzwerk Selbsthilfefreundlichkeit und Patientenorientierung im Gesundeheitswesen als „Selbsthilfefreundliches Krankenhaus" ausgezeichnet.

https://www.selbsthilfefreundlichkeit.de/ _blank